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Basic First Aid

What to do prior to rushing your pet to a vet:

· Bleeding: apply direct pressure with a
clean cloth.

· Heatstroke: move your pet into the shade
or indoors, and hose them down with cool water. Then place towels soaked with cold water over your pet, and ice packs in the armpits, along the belly, or between the

· Fractures: restrict movement, wrap or
splint the limb, and cover any open wounds with a clean cloth.

· Suspected poison ingestion: bring the container/label of the poison you suspect or know your pet ingested to your vet.

· Eye trauma: prevent further trauma by stopping your pet from
pawing at or rubbing a painful eye. If you have an E-collar, place it around your pet€™s neck. If the eye is
protruding from the socket, place a moist clean cloth over the eye.

· Shock: wrap your pet in a blanket to conserve body heat, loosen or remove any collar, and clear the mouth of any
fluid or food.

For all emergencies, always seek veterinary assistance immediately.
An emergency is easier to prevent than to treat; here are a few tips to help safeguard your Doberman.:

· Keep all dangerous substances in a pet-proof cupboard

· Pick up any pills or capsules that fall to the floor
· Be aware of your Doberman when opening an outside door and keep them on a leash when out of a fenced-in yard.

· Ask your local vet what plants are toxic in your local area, and be sure you have none in your house or yard.

· Always transport your Doberman in a kennel.

· If you know your animal has a storm phobia, keep them indoors if bad weather is likely.

· The benefit of annual check-ups with your vet to identify any major health problems early on before they
become life-threatening should not be underestimated.

compiled by
Cathy Kendrick
DPCA Public Education Committee