♦ What sort of Financial
Aid does the DPCA provide?
The DPCA offers financial aid to qualified Doberman Rescue organizations.
The aid is in the form of a reimbursement for some of the basic veterinary expenses that a Rescue will
incur in the course of preparing a dog for its new home; for example we reimburse a spay or neuter, a
heartworm test, a rabies shot, etc.. We do not reimburse elective or
'heroic' procedures, there are other charitable organizations that cover
those areas.
The list of procedures that are reimbursed is defined in the document Veterinary Expense Reimbursement Form.
♦ What do I have to do to be eligible to apply for Financial Aid?
There are three basic requirements to apply
for reimbursement:
These requirements are explained in more detail in the Reimbursement Requirements document.
♦ How do I apply for Financial Aid from the DPCA?
Each quarter, complete a Veterinary Expense Reimbursement Form for each dog for which a reimbursement is being requested, attach all receipts/invoices relating to those
expenses and submit the package to the DPCA
Rescue Committee. The Reimbursement form contains the necessary instructions and details.
Additional information and instructions is contained in the
Reimbursement Submission Instructions document. Only expenses incurred during that quarter are eligible for payment for that quarter. The deadline for submission is the
15th (snail mail) and 20th (e-mail) of the month following the end of the quarter.
♦ When will payment be made?
Each quarter the submissions are logged-in and checked. A sampling of
the invoices are spot-checked with the issuing veterinary practices. After
all the submissions have been processed and their reimbursement amounts
verified the payments will be authorized – typically within about 4 weeks of the
quarter’s deadline.
♦ Payment Records
Each quarter the DPCA publishes details of the Financial Aid it gives - listing the rescues receiving funds, the
number of dogs assisted, and the amount of the reimbursement given.
These details are published on the DPCA Rescue
website click here .
♦ How is this Financial Aid funded?
The DPCA solicits donations specifically for Rescue and holds those donated funds segregated
from the DPCA general account. The financial aid to Rescues is paid only from those donated funds.