2024 National Show & Convention · Kingsport, Tennessee
97th Annual National Convention
Sept 28-Oct 5, 2024

National FB Group

Show Dog Video Pros

Join Us in 2025

Wichita Falls, TX
Oct 4-11, 2025

TENTATIVE 2024 Schedule of Events

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Thursday Sep 26
12:30 PM Ring setup; contact Ann Wulbrecht Convention Center
4:00 PM Welcome Bags/Coasters; contact Jan Stephenson Hotel Conference Room
Friday Sep 27
8:30 AM Chapter Club WAE; evaluator: John Schoeneman Old Driving Range
12:00 PM Set up Decorations; contact Brandy Billington Convention Center
Hang photos, place banners and posters; contact Jan Stephenson Convention Center
Agility Ring Set up; contact Carol Moore Ron Ramsey Ag Center
2:00 PM Agility Fun Match (will start after ring is set up) Ron Ramsey Ag Center
6:00 PM Obedience C Match Convention Center
6:30 PM UDC Meeting and Draw Crockett Amphitheater
Saturday Sep 28
8:00 AM-12:00 PM Regional Sweepstakes Convention Center
8:00 AM Regional Obedience / Rally Trials #1 Convention Center
8:00 AM Regional Agility Trial #1 Ron Ramsey Ag Center
1:45 PM Regional Conformation-Dogs/Puppy Bitches Convention Center
After Trial #1 Regional Obedience / Rally Trial #2 Convention Center
Dawn UDC Fall Classic IGP Andrew Johnson Elementary School
Sunday Sep 29
8:00 AM Regional Conformation-Bitches Convention Center
8:00 AM Regional Obedience / Rally Trials #3 Convention Center
8:00 AM Regional Agility Trial #2 Ron Ramsey Ag Center
11:00 AM Newcomer Briefing Welcome Desk Conv Center
1:00 PM Regional Junior Showmanship Convention Center
1:15 PM Regional Conformation-Intersex Convention Center
12:00 PM-5:00 PM Heart Clinic Hotel Conference Rooms
to follow trial #3- Regional Obedience / Rally Trials #4 Convention Center
6:00 PM-8:00 PM Obedience C Match Convention Center
Monday Sep 30
7:30 AM- Member Breakfast / Annual Meeting 8:00 AM Cattails Ballroom
9:30 AM-4:30 pm Obedience Seminar:Problem Solving Convention Center
10:00 AM- National WAE (Working Aptitude Evaluation); evaluator: Kris Harner Old Driving Range
9:30 AM-6:00 PM Heart Clinic Various Conference Rooms
10:30 AM- National Agility Trial Ron Ramsey Ag Center
11:00 AM Top 20 Conformation handlers meeting Meadowview Ballroom
1:30PM Top 20 Conformation hands on judging Meadowview Ballroom
4:00 PM ROM Committee Meeting Conference Room
6:30 PM NOHS Recognition Convention Center
7:00 PM Welcome Party Convention Center
7:00 PM Top 20 Conformation Convention Center
Tuesday Oct 01
8:00 AM-6:00 PM Heart Clinic Cherokee/Watauga Rooms
9:00 AM National Obedience / Rally Trial Convention Center
9:00 AM-12:00 PM Breeder Seminar-The Science of Breeding- A Look at the Genetics of Breeding – Dr. Bell (sign up) Crockett Amphitheatre
1:00 PM -4:00 PM Breeder Education- The Art of Breeding – Pat Trotter (sign up) Crockett Amphitheatre
9:00 AM-4:00 PM Handling Clinic-Nicholson Convention Center
9:00 AM-12:00 PM/1PM-4PM Intro to Nosework: Scent Work Seminar (sign up)-Wukotich Meadowview Ballroom A
9:00 AM-12:00 PM Finding Source of Course: Scent Work Seminar (sign up)-Soyke Meadowview Ballroom B
1:00 PM-4:00 PM You, Me or the Hide: Scent Work Seminar (sign up)-Soyke Meadowview Ballroom B
12:00 PM-1:00 PM Legislative Affairs Committee: Protecting Your Right To Own and Breed Dogs-Sullivan (sign up) Hawkins Room
4:00 PM-5:00 PM Chapter Club Meeting Hawkins Room
5:00 PM-7:00 PM Wine Tasting Fundraiser Cattails Ballroom
7:00 PM- Top 20 Agility Ron Ramsey Ag Center
Wednesday Oct 02
8:00 AM National Futurity Convention Center
1:45 PM National Maturity Convention Center
8:00 AM Scent Work Trials Various Rooms
12:00 PM Sponsor Appreciation Luncheon Cattails Ballroom
4:00 PM International Reception Cattails Ballroom
5:00 PM JEC Mentors Meeting Crockett Amphitheatre
7:00 PM Top 20 Obedience Convention Center
Thursday Oct 03
8:00 AM National Conformation – All dog classes Convention Center
8:00 AM-2:00 PM Juniors Bake Sale Convention Center
2:30 PM National Owner Handled Sweepstakes Convention Center
7:00 PM-8:00 PM The Art of Ear Taping-Methods and Materials Crockett Amphitheatre
Friday Oct 04
8:00 AM National Conformation – All bitch classes Convention Center
After bitch judging Junior Jamboree and Pizza Party Convention Center
8:00 AM Judges Education ring side mentoring Convention Center
3:00 PM Set up for Fundraiser Banquet Cattails Ballroom
6:00 PM DPCA Health/Rescue Fundraiser Cattails Ballroom
12:00 PM-6:00 PM Judges Education Meadowview Ballroom
Saturday Oct 05
8:00 AM National Conformation -Junior Showmanship Convention Center
8:30 AM National Conformation – Intersex, Non-regular Classes Convention Center
8:00 AM Judges Education ring side mentoring Convention Center
During lunch break Juniors Top 20 And Pee Wee Special Attraction Convention Center
After judging: Demolition Derby; contact Denise Rohweder Convention Center


Marriott Meadowview Resort

1901 Meadowview Pkwy, Kingsport, TN 37660


$175.00 a night  tax inclusive.  Credit Card needed to book.   Only 2 rooms may be booked per person.    Sept. 1, 1 night deposit will be charged to the card and is non refundable.   $75.00 Non Refundable pet deposit.

No more than 4 dogs per room.  All dogs must be crated when left in room.  All crates must to on plastic sheeting.   No xpens in room.

No more than 2 reservation under the same name.

Rooms must be cancelled by Sept 1 to avoid a penalty of 1 night stay.

RV Reservation Info

RV Parking

Judging Panel / Rules

Regional Conformation

Intersex: Lana Ferguson
Bitches: Michael Yates
Dogs: Lita Milstead-Brannan
Sweepstakes: Cindi Huckfeldt

National Conformation
Intersex: Luiz Fernando Ribas-Silva
Bitches: Luiz Fernando Ribas-Silva
Dogs: Glen Lajeski
Futurity/Maturity: Carissa Shimpeno
Owner Handled Sweeps: Kim Owen

Agility, Obedience, and Rally

Regional Agility Trials: Jen Young
National Agility Trial: Jen Young
Regional Obedience and Rally Trials: Russell Hornfisher & Bonnie Hornfisher
National Obedience and Rally Trials: Russell Hornfisher & Bonnie Hornfisher

Every year, a few exhibitors are disappointed when they arrive at the National and find out their dog can’t be shown in the class it was entered in or a placement/award is vacated later by the AKC for a rule or policy violation. To help you decide which class is the correct class or whether your dog can be exhibited at the Regional or National, we are providing you with information on AKC policies for multi-day single shows and on the restrictions placed on dogs owned or co-owned by judges. As a reminder, if you have questions about any AKC Rules and Policies, please contact the appropriate AKC Department. It is the responsibility of the AKC to interpret its Rules, Regulations and Policies.

Age Restricted Classes
The AKC classifies the DPCA Regional and National as multi-day single shows. This can make entering the correct age-restricted conformation class tricky. The age of your dog or bitch is not always determined by their age on the day they are being exhibited.
The AKC Rules Applying to Dog Shows, page 12, Section 2 states:
In a single show with multiple days of judging, the first day of a show is considered to be the first day on which there is regular conformation judging in accordance with Section 3 of this chapter. (Sweepstakes and Futurities are not considered regular conformation classes.)
The Regional is a two-day single show. The age of your dog/bitch is determined on the first day of regular conformation judging for the Regional, which is Saturday, September 28, 2024. Easy enough for all of the classes being judged Saturday (including Sweepstakes.) The class you enter is based on your dog’s/bitch’s age on Saturday. For the age restricted bitch classes and veterans classes on Sunday, the age of your veteran or bitch is based on their age on Saturday, September 28.
For example, if your bitch turns 12 months old on Sunday, September 29, she is not eligible for the 12 to less than 15 month class, and must be shown in the 9 to less than 12 month class on Saturday. A bitch that turns 15 months old on Sunday, September 29, would be shown in the 12 to less than 15 month class because she was not 15 months old on Saturday. A veteran that turns 9 or 11 on Sunday, would be in the 7 to less than 9 years and 9 to less than 11 years, respectively, because they had not turned 9 or 11 years of age on Saturday and were still eligible for that class.
The National is also a multi-day single show that starts on Wednesday, October 2, 2024 and runs through Saturday, October 5,2024. The age of your dog/bitch is determined by their age on Thursday, October 3, 2024, the first day of regular conformation class judging. Whatever age your dog/bitch is on Thursday determines their age for the entire National, including Futurity on Wednesday.
For example:
• Futurity: If your puppy turns 6 months old on Thursday, October 3, he/she is eligible for the 6 to less than 9 month Futurity class (as long as he/she was 2024 Futurity nominated). A puppy that turns 9 months old on Thursday, October 3 should be entered in the 9 to less than 12 month Futurity class, not the 6 to less than 9 month class.
• Friday Bitch Classes: Enter your bitch in the class that corresponds to her age on Thursday. If your bitch turns 9 months old on Friday, you still enter the 6 to 9 month class, and so on and so forth. The same rule applies for veteran bitches, as they are also entered in the class that corresponds to their age as of Thursday.

Exhibiting a Dog Owned or Co-owned by a Judge on the Regional or National Judging Panel
Many of the judges on the Regional or National panels are Doberman breeders. If one of the AKC-approved judges on either panel (Lita Milstead-Brannan, Michael Yates, Lana Ferguson, Glen Lajeski, Luiz Fernando Ribas Silva or Bonnie Linnell-Clarke) co-owns your dog/bitch, that dog/bitch may not be exhibited in any of the conformation classes at either the Regional or National.
As stated on page 4 of AKC Rules for Conformation Judges:
Exhibiting and Handling [P] Conformation judges and household members (as defined in Chapter 11, Section 13 of the Rules Applying to Dog Shows) may not exhibit any breed and judge on the day of, the three days before and the three days after an assignment within 200 miles of the assignment. Sweepstake/Futurity judges may not exhibit on day(s) they judge. Sweepstake/Futurity judges will continue to be allowed to exhibit the day before and the day after the event they judge. A multi-day specialty is considered one event, and the restriction will apply for the duration of the event.
For all exhibiting restrictions: Exhibit refers to personally handling a dog or any dog owned or co-owned regardless of who handles the dog and where the dog resides. Exhibitor restrictions apply to all members of the same household.
Once again, the multi-day single show rule comes into play. The Regional ends on Sunday and the National starts on Wednesday, and the 2 shows are within 3 days of each other (Sunday and Wednesday), so the exhibiting restriction applies to both the Regional and National.
Sweeps and Futurity Judges may not exhibit in the show they are on the judging panel of. You cannot exhibit a dog co-owned by Cindi Huckfeldt in the Regional conformation classes.  You cannot exhibit a dog co-owned by Carissa Shimpeno or by Kim Owen in the National conformation classes.

Exhibiting Conflicts of Interest
Please refer to the AKC Rules, Policies and Guidelines for Conformation Dog Show Judges booklet, amended through March 2024, for complete details on Conflicts of Interest. Policies and Rules on Conflicts of Interest are covered on pages 2 through 5. You can access this publication on the AKC website https://www.akc.org/rules/

What to Do If Your Dog is Entered in a Class it is not eligible for
There are options for fixing entry errors after entries have closed.
Please refer to the AKC Rules Applying to Dog Shows for those optiolns, https://images.akc.org/pdf/rulebooks/RREGS3.pdf
For your convenience, pages 43 and 44 are copied here:
SECTION 6. No entry may be changed or canceled unless notice of the change or cancellation is received in writing by the Superintendent or Show Secretary named in the premium list to receive entries, prior to the closing date and hour for entries.
However, prior to the judging the Superintendent or Show Secretary may:
• make a correction in the sex of a dog
• transfer a dog within the divisions of the Puppy Class, the Twelve-to-Eighteen Month Class, the Bred-by-Exhibitor Class, or the Veterans Class,
• transfer a dog between the Puppy and Twelve-to-Eighteen Month Classes or appropriate divisions thereof.
A dog determined to be ineligible, by its owner/ agent, for the class in which it has been entered may be transferred to an eligible Open Class at a show prior to the judging of any regular conformation class within the sex of that breed or variety, and that dogs which according to their owners’ records have completed the requirements for a championship after the closing of entries for a show but whose championships are unconfirmed, may be transferred from one of the regular classes to the Best of Breed or Variety competition, provided this transfer is made by the Superintendent or Show Secretary at least one half-hour prior to the scheduled start of any regular conformation judging at the show; at a single show with multiple days of judging, the transfer must be made at least one half hour prior to the start of judging on the first day of the show (as defined in Chapter 3 Section 2). No dog may otherwise be transferred.

Stay Connected with Remind

We will be using the Remind app to communicate real time updates and reminders during the event.

If you have paid for RV parking and want to stay up-to-date with RV related announcements, please join the RV Parking group.

Venue/Link Class Code
General National dpcanat
Conformation dpcaconf
RV Parking dpcarv
Agility dpcaagil
Barnhunt dpcabarn
Obedience dpcaobed

Click on the link above to join instantly or download the Remind app and enter class code shown above. Remember to allow text or push notifications for instant communication.

Sponsor Packages and Donations


Sponsor Packages

Thanks to all of our sponsors!

Photo Display

These 24×36 photo enlargements will be displayed throughout the convention area.

Chapter Club Sponsorship

Wine Tasting Sponsorships

Thank you to all of our Sponsors! Your support makes the National a success!


Premier Sponsor

Mary K. Klein, Judy L. King and Alyssa Beutler

Grand Sponsors

Mary-Helene (Mimi) Brown, MD
AlCher/TMAC Dobermans
Theresa Lutz, Kristine Lim and the Kiwis
Betty Clark and Natalie Davydova
Crosswind Dobermans
The Kobylinski – Lang Family
Mark Bigham
Esquire, Supernova and ConnQuest Dobermans
Ed and Lynda Palsat, Baystar Dobermans

Champion Sponsors

Geoffrey and Robin Goss
Chris and Linda Hinkle
Skip and Hiroko Lee
Robyn Sparks, Notori
Gallant, Ciden and D’Tales
Carmen Ruby Beck, Zabrina Sticker
Oasis Therapeutics, James A. Mirazita MD, Ryan Lane
Brian and Karen Beaudreault

Major Sponsors

Lynn Eggers
Kevin and Michelle Priddle

National Friends

Dorette (Doe) Warms


Grand Champion Platinum

Miguel Alonso
Gabby Hanna
Francis Sparagna
Nancy Troyer

Grand Champion Gold

Mark Bigham
Lynn Eggers
Janice Keith
Tony MacKenzie
Ann Wulbrecht



Desert Valley Doberman Pinscher Club
Doberman Pinscher Club of Dallas
Doberman Pinscher Club of Detroit
Doberman Pinscher Club of Indian Nations
Doberman Pinscher Club of the Rocky Mountain Area


Doberman Pinscher Club of Tucson
Miami Valley Doberman Pinscher Club


Mt. Hood Doberman Pinscher Club
Metropolitan Baltimore Doberman Pinscher Club


Logo Apparel

Logo Chair

Reserved Seating


Wine Tasting


More Info Coming Soon!

Alpaca Life Collections Alpaca clothing and toys made from alpaca.
Beauty of the Beasts T-shirts, fur & fleece tug toys and pouches, Italian charms
Blissful Dog Boutique Specialty Boutique, Cooling coats & other handmade fabric products, jewelry, bling collars, magnets, unique breed specific treasures
Canine Cool Wear Dog coats, purpose panties & bait
Cedar Knoll Bronze Art
DD Diagnostics Stand alone Diagnostic testing units
Doberman Network Breed Magazine
Doc Jackie Dog conditioning & performance, exercise physiology
Earth Moves Vibershield Wellness jewelry for people and pets in beautiful sterling silver.
FMS Dog Beds Many sizes, styles and colors of crate pads, dog beds, whelping products and fun dog toys.
Fuzzywumpets Collars, leads, toys, treats, beds,pads
Gear to Go Leashes, collars, toys, signs, decals & tshirts
K9 Rufflebutts Waterproof panties, belly bands, fleece wraps
Keeper Collars Training collars, leads & toys
Originals By Omar Beautiful 14k gold and sterling silver Doberman jewelry.
Orivet The leader in Dog DNA tests. Dog DNA tests for Breeders
tailored specifically for dog breeders screening for 250 genetic diseases
and traits, coat colours, parentage confirmation, disease screening and
much more.
Paula’s Bling Thingz Rhinestone embellished clothing, jewelry, hats, totes, sunglasses, flip flops and much more
RedHills Animal Reproductive Animal Specialties Mobile Canine Reproductive Laboratory, Canine fertility testing,
Semen Collecting, Freezing in identifiable straws & Storing, Progesterone
Sparkle Britches  Crystal dog collars and leashes, crystal tumblers, and The latest in ladies’ fashions for the dog show enthusiast!
Witchwynds Designs Custom clothing, car vinyl decals

Top 20

T20 Chair

NOHS T20 Chair

T20 Agility Finalist Shirt

T20 Rosette

T20 Catalog

T20 Finalist Catalog Submission


Thanks to all of the DPCA members who volunteer to serve as chair people for the various functions required to plan the National.

Event Chair/Show Chair Ann Wulbrecht
Convention Chair Jan Stephenson
Agility Trial Chairperson Carol Moore
Apparel Linda Zaeske and Karen Langlois
Breeder Education Ann White and Alisa Brotherhood
Cardio Clinic Beverly Purswell
Catalog Cover Susan Hurrell
Communications Michelle Kramer
Convention Treasurer Linda Zaeske
Decorations Brandy Billington and Elaine Hopper
Exhibitor Education Colleen Nicholson
Friday Night Awards Banquet and Fundraiser Catherine Eiswerth
Grounds and RV Parking Jim Lauver
Health Education Stephanie Rudich
International Reception Skip and Hiroko Lee
Judges Education Vicki Seiler Cushman
Obedience and Rally Trial Chairperson Karen Fuss
Scentwork Trial Chairperson Janet Stavrides
Top 20 Agility Carol Moore
Top 20 Conformation Doug Jensen, Elaine Hopper, Cindi Huckfeldt
Top 20 Obedience Cindy Bohnert
Trophies Jan Stephenson
Vendors Carol Hunnicutt
Webmaster Michelle Kramer
Welcome Desk Libby Hargrove
Welcome Party Catherine Eiswerth

Seminar and Clinic Information

Cardiac Clinic

Cardiologists:  Dr. Giulio Menciotti, Dr. Sarah Bell

Sunday September 29 – Tuesday October 1, 2024

3 dogs per hour (20min slots) per cardiologist will be scheduled

    • Sunday 12 – 5 = 30 dogs
    • Monday 9 – 6 with 1h lunch break = 48 dogs
    • Tuesday 9 – 6 with 1h lunch break = 48 dogs
    • Total = 126 slot
    • Cash only due at the time of appointment – $250.00

Judges Education

Friday October 4- Noon-5pm  SEMINAR: DPCA Judges Educational committee will present the History, Temperament, Type, Head, Structure and Gait using computer presentations and live dog demonstrations along with panel discussions. HANDS-ON WORKSHOP: Presentation of quality dogs for examination and evaluation to begin ½ hr after judging is complete or immediately following seminar.

SATURDAY-October 5: Ringside Mentoring during Best of Breed by parent club approved mentors.

Additional ringside mentoring will be provided throughout the event beginning October 2 with advance notification.

Please contact Vicki Seiler-Cushman seilerva@yahoo.com if you would like a mentoring session prior to Saaturday.

*Both Seminar and Hands-on Workshop must be attended to qualify for a completion certificate.

Cost: $25.00 No Charge for AKC Judges

You must register in advance to receive Seminar Materials.

If you have a question, please contact: Vicki Seiler-Cushman seilerva@yahoo.com




Go Beyond Basic Dog Training~ Problem Solving with Diane Bauman.

Join Diane Bauman for a personalized problem-solving session designed to address your specific training needs. To ensure the workshop meets your expectations, please sign up and fill out the seminar questionnaire. The event will run from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm in the obedience rings. While there’s no cap on the number of attendees, we need to know how many will be joining us to plan for handouts.


Breeder and Health Education: Science of Breeding

The Breeder Education and Health Education teams combined their efforts this year to present the Art and Science of Breeding!  This day long seminar is divided into 2 sessions.  The morning session, from 9:00 am through noon is focused on the Science of Breeding.  Renowned geneticist, Dr. Jerold Bell, will present on Doberman specific genetics.   If you plan to attend these sessions, please sign up so we have sufficient handouts.

Breeder and Health Education: Art of Breeding

The Breeder Education and Health Education teams combined their efforts this year to present the Art and Science of Breeding!  This day long seminar is divided into 2 sessions.  The afternoon session, 1:00 pm through 4:00 pm features renowned breeder and author of “Born to Win, Breed to Succeed”, Patricia Trotter.  Ms. Trotter will cover the Art of Breeding.  If you plan to attend these sessions, please sign up so we have sufficient handouts.


Three Scent Work seminars are offered this year. You may sign up for one working spot.

Intro to Nosework 

How do you keep that retired champion active?  What to do to keep a youngster’s brain engaged?  Are you looking for enrichment for your dog?  This seminar is for any dog new to the sport of nosework and not on odor.  We will go over how to get your dog started and give them opportunities to learn independent searching.  This is also an opportunity for the human to see the natural hunting style of your dog.  Please bring lots of small, high value treats and a crate (must have plastic sheeting under the crate) to contain your dog.  All dogs will need to be safely contained when it’s not your turn.  12 working spots and unlimited auditing.  Two sessions offered, 9:00 am to noon and 1:00pm to 4:00 pm. Please sign up


Finding Source of Course

This seminar is for the Novice and Advanced teams.  We will be working on driving to source, recognizing alert behaviors, working through distractions and building a strong team.  Dogs MUST be at least proficient on Birch.  Please bring lots of small, high value treats and a crate (must have plastic sheeting under the crate) to contain your dog.  All dogs will need to be safely contained when it’s not your turn.  10 working spots and unlimited auditing.  One session, 9:00 am to noon


You, Me or The Hide

This seminar is for the Excellent and Master teams. We will be working on decoding common hide placements like inaccessible, elevation, blowing and trapping odor.  If you are struggling, is it handling mistakes, a lack of skill from the dog or a need for stronger teamwork between the human and dog?   Dogs MUST be proficient on working multiple hides. Please bring lots of small, high value treats and a crate (must have plastic sheeting under the crate) to contain your dog.  All dogs will need to be safely contained when it’s not your turn.  10 working spots and unlimited auditing.  One session, 1:00 pm through 4:00 pm.  Please sign up.


This year’s lunch seminar is presented by the Legislative Affairs Committee.  Sue Sullivan will review the current legislative landscape and cover the tools and resources available to us to combat bad legislation.  Lunch will be served in the seminar room.   12:10 pm to 12:50 pm.  Please sign up so we know how many lunches to order.