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Long-Term Health Risks and Benefits Associated with Spay / Neuter in Dogs

May 14, 2007


At some point, most of us with an interest in dogs will have to consider whether or not to spay / neuter our

pet. Tradition holds that the benefits of doing so at an early age outweigh the risks. Often, tradition holds

sway in the decision-making process even after countervailing evidence has accumulated.

Ms Sanborn has reviewed the veterinary medical literature in an exhaustive and scholarly treatise,

attempting to unravel the complexities of the subject. More than 50 peer-reviewed papers were examined to

assess the health impacts of spay / neuter in female and male dogs, respectively. One cannot ignore the

findings of increased risk from osteosarcoma, hemangiosarcoma, hypothyroidism, and other less frequently

occurring diseases associated with neutering male dogs. It would be irresponsible of the veterinary

profession and the pet owning community to fail to weigh the relative costs and benefits of neutering on the

animal´s health and well-being. The decision for females may be more complex, further emphasizing the

need for individualized veterinary medical decisions, not standard operating procedures for all patients.

No sweeping generalizations are implied in this review. Rather, the author asks us to consider all the health

and disease information available as individual animals are evaluated. Then, the best decisions should be

made accounting for gender, age, breed, and even the specific conditions under which the long-term care,

housing and training of the animal will occur.

This important review will help veterinary medical care providers as well as pet owners make informed

decisions. Who could ask for more?

Larry S. Katz, PhD

Associate Professor and Chair

Animal Sciences

Rutgers University

New Brunswick, NJ 08901


Dog owners in America are frequently advised to spay/neuter their dogs for health reasons. A number of

health benefits are cited, yet evidence is usually not cited to support the alleged health benefits.

When discussing the health impacts of spay/neuter, health risks are often not mentioned. At times, some

risks are mentioned, but the most severe risks usually are not.

This article is an attempt to summarize the long-term health risks and benefits associated with spay/neuter

in dogs that can be found in the veterinary medical literature. This article will not discuss the impact of

spay/neuter on population control, or the impact of spay/neuter on behavior.

Nearly all of the health risks and benefits summarized in this article are findings from retrospective

epidemiological research studies of dogs, which examine potential associations by looking backwards in

time. A few are from prospective research studies, which examine potential associations by looking forward

in time.


An objective reading of the veterinary medical literature reveals a complex situation with respect to the longterm

health risks and benefits associated with spay/neuter in dogs. The evidence shows that spay/neuter

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correlates with both positive AND adverse health effects in dogs. It also suggests how much we really do

not yet understand about this subject.

On balance, it appears that no compelling case can be made for neutering most male dogs, especially

immature male dogs, in order to prevent future health problems. The number of health problems associated

with neutering may exceed the associated health benefits in most cases.

On the positive side, neutering male dogs

• eliminates the small risk (probably <1%) of dying from testicular cancer

• reduces the risk of non-cancerous prostate disorders

• reduces the risk of perianal fistulas

• may possibly reduce the risk of diabetes (data inconclusive)

On the negative side, neutering male dogs

• if done before 1 year of age, significantly increases the risk of osteosarcoma (bone cancer); this is a

common cancer in medium/large and larger breeds with a poor prognosis.

• increases the risk of cardiac hemangiosarcoma by a factor of 1.6

• triples the risk of hypothyroidism

• increases the risk of progressive geriatric cognitive impairment

• triples the risk of obesity, a common health problem in dogs with many associated health problems

• quadruples the small risk (<0.6%) of prostate cancer

• doubles the small risk (<1%) of urinary tract cancers

• increases the risk of orthopedic disorders

• increases the risk of adverse reactions to vaccinations

For female dogs, the situation is more complex. The number of health benefits associated with spaying may

exceed the associated health problems in some (not all) cases. On balance, whether spaying improves the

odds of overall good health or degrades them probably depends on the age of the female dog and the

relative risk of various diseases in the different breeds.

On the positive side, spaying female dogs

• if done before 2.5 years of age, greatly reduces the risk of mammary tumors, the most common

malignant tumors in female dogs

• nearly eliminates the risk of pyometra, which otherwise would affect about 23% of intact female

dogs; pyometra kills about 1% of intact female dogs

• reduces the risk of perianal fistulas

• removes the very small risk (_0.5%) from uterine, cervical, and ovarian tumors

On the negative side, spaying female dogs

• if done before 1 year of age, significantly increases the risk of osteosarcoma (bone cancer); this is a

common cancer in larger breeds with a poor prognosis

• increases the risk of splenic hemangiosarcoma by a factor of 2.2 and cardiac hemangiosarcoma by

a factor of >5; this is a common cancer and major cause of death in some breeds

• triples the risk of hypothyroidism

• increases the risk of obesity by a factor of 1.6-2, a common health problem in dogs with many

associated health problems

• causes urinary “spay incontinence” in 4-20% of female dogs

• increases the risk of persistent or recurring urinary tract infections by a factor of 3-4

• increases the risk of recessed vulva, vaginal dermatitis, and vaginitis, especially for female dogs

spayed before puberty

• doubles the small risk (<1%) of urinary tract tumors

• increases the risk of orthopedic disorders

• increases the risk of adverse reactions to vaccinations

One thing is clear – much of the spay/neuter information that is available to the public is unbalanced and

contains claims that are exaggerated or unsupported by evidence. Rather than helping to educate pet

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owners, much of it has contributed to common misunderstandings about the health risks and benefits

associated of spay/neuter in dogs.

The traditional spay/neuter age of six months as well as the modern practice of pediatric spay/neuter appear

to predispose dogs to health risks that could otherwise be avoided by waiting until the dog is physically

mature, or perhaps in the case of many male dogs, foregoing it altogether unless medically necessary.

The balance of long-term health risks and benefits of spay/neuter will vary from one dog to the next. Breed,

age, and gender are variables that must be taken into consideration in conjunction with non-medical factors

for each individual dog. Across-the-board recomm
endations for all pet dogs do not appear to be

supportable from findings in the veterinary medical literature.


This section summarizes the diseases or conditions that have been studied with respect to spay/neuter in


Complications from Spay/Neuter Surgery

All surgery incurs some risk of complications, including adverse reactions to anesthesia, hemorrhage,

inflammation, infection, etc. Complications include only immediate and near term impacts that are clearly

linked to the surgery, not to longer term impacts that can only be assessed by research studies.

At one veterinary teaching hospital where complications were tracked, the rates of intraoperative,

postoperative and total complications were 6.3%, 14.1% and 20.6%, respectively as a result of spaying

female dogs1. Other studies found a rate of total complications from spaying of 17.7%2 and 23%3. A study

of Canadian veterinary private practitioners found complication rates of 22% and 19% for spaying female

dogs and neutering male dogs, respectively4.

Serious complications such as infections, abscesses, rupture of the surgical wound, and chewed out sutures

were reported at a 1- 4% frequency, with spay and castration surgeries accounting for 90% and 10% of

these complications, respectively.4

The death rate due to complications from spay/neuter is low, at around 0.1%2.

Prostate Cancer

Much of the spay/neuter information available to the public asserts that neutering will reduce or eliminate the

risk that male dogs develop prostate cancer. This would not be an unreasonable assumption, given that

prostate cancer in humans is linked to testosterone. But the evidence in dogs does not support this claim.

In fact, the strongest evidence suggests just the opposite.

There have been several conflicting epidemiological studies over the years that found either an increased

risk or a decreased risk of prostate cancer in neutered dogs. These studies did not utilize control

populations, rendering these results at best difficult to interpret. This may partially explain the conflicting


More recently, two retrospective studies were conducted that did utilize control populations. One of these

studies involved a dog population in Europe5 and the other involved a dog population in America6. Both

studies found that neutered male dogs have a four times higher risk of prostate cancer than intact dogs.

Based on their results, the researchers suggest a cause-and-effect relationship: “this suggests that

castration does not initiate the development of prostatic carcinoma in the dog, but does favor tumor

progression”5 and also “Our study found that most canine prostate cancers are of ductal/urothelial

origin….The relatively low incidence of prostate cancer in intact dogs may suggest that testicular hormones

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are in fact protective against ductal/urothelial prostatic carcinoma, or may have indirect effects on cancer

development by changing the environment in the prostate.”6

This needs to be put in perspective. Unlike the situation in humans, prostate cancer is uncommon in dogs.

Given an incidence of prostate cancer in dogs of less than 0.6% from necropsy studies7, it is difficult to see

that the risk of prostate cancer should factor heavily into most neutering decisions. There is evidence for an

increased risk of prostate cancer in at least one breed (Bouviers)5, though very little data so far to guide us

in regards to other breeds.

Testicular Cancer

Since the testicles are removed with neutering, castration removes any risk of testicular cancer (assuming

the castration is done before cancer develops). This needs to be compared to the risk of testicular cancer in

intact dogs.

Testicular tumors are not uncommon in older intact dogs, with a reported incidence of 7%8. However, the

prognosis for treating testicular tumors is very good owing to a low rate of metastasis9, so testicular cancer

is an uncommon cause of death in intact dogs. For example, in a Purdue University breed health survey of

Golden Retrievers10, deaths due to testicular cancer were sufficiently infrequent that they did not appear on

list of significant causes of “Years of Potential Life Lost for Veterinary Confirmed Cause of Death” even

though 40% of GR males were intact. Furthermore, the GRs who were treated for testicular tumors had a

90.9% cure rate. This agrees well with other work that found 6-14% rates of metastasis for testicular tumors

in dogs11.

The high cure rate of testicular tumors combined with their frequency suggests that fewer than 1% of intact

male dogs will die of testicular cancer.

In summary, though it may be the most common reason why many advocate neutering young male dogs,

the risk from life threatening testicular cancer is sufficiently low that neutering most male dogs to prevent it is

difficult to justify.

An exception might be bilateral or unilateral cryptorchids, as testicles that are retained in the abdomen are

13.6 times more likely to develop tumors than descended testicles12 and it is also more difficult to detect

tumors in undescended testicles by routine physical examination.

Osteosarcoma (Bone Cancer)

A multi-breed case-control study of the risk factors for osteosarcoma found that spay/neutered dogs (males

or females) had twice the risk of developing osteosarcoma as did intact dogs13.

This risk was further studied in Rottweilers, a breed with a relatively high risk of osteosarcoma. This

retrospective cohort study broke the risk down by age at spay/neuter, and found that the elevated risk of

osteosarcoma is associated with spay/neuter of young dogs14. Rottweilers spayed/neutered before one

year of age were 3.8 (males) or 3.1 (females) times more likely to develop osteosarcoma than intact dogs.

Indeed, the combination of breed risk and early spay/neuter meant that Rottweilers spayed/neutered before

one year of age had a 28.4% (males) and 25.1% (females) risk of developing osteosarcoma. These results

are consistent with the earlier multi-breed study13 but have an advantage of assessing risk as a function of

age at neuter. A logical conclusion derived from combining the findings of these two studies is that

spay/neuter of dogs before 1 year of age is associated with a significantly increased risk of osteosarcoma.

The researchers suggest a cause-and-effect relationship, as sex hormones are known to influence the

maintenance of skeletal structure and mass, and also because their findings showed an inverse relationship

between time of exposure to sex hormones and risk of osteosarcoma.14

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The risk of osteosarcoma increases with increasing breed size and especially height13. It is a common

cause of death in medium/large, large, and giant breeds. Osteosarcoma is the third most common cause of

death in Golden Retrievers10 and is even more common in larger breeds13.

Given the poor prognosis of osteosarcoma and its frequency in many breeds, spay/neuter of immature dogs

in the medium/large, large, and giant breeds is apparently associated with a significant and elevated risk of

death due to osteosarcoma.

Mammary Cancer (Breast Cancer)

Mammary tumors are by far the most common tumors in intact female dogs, constituting some 53% of all

malignant tumors in female dogs in a study of dogs in Norway15 where spaying is much less common than in

the USA.

50-60% of mammary tumors are malignant, for which there is a significant risk of metastasis16. Mammary

rs in dogs have been found to have estrogen receptors17, and the published research18 shows that the

relative risk (odds ratio) that a female will develop mammary cancer compared to the risk in intact females is

dependent on how many estrus cycles she experiences:

# of estrus cycles before spay Odds Ratio

None 0.005

1 0.08

2 or more 0.26

Intact 1.00

The same data when categorized differently showed that the relative risk (odds ratio) that females will

develop mammary cancer compared to the risk in intact females indicated that:

Age at Spaying Odds Ratio

_ 29 months 0.06

_ 30 months 0.40 (not statistically significant at the P<0.05 level)

Intact 1.00

Please note that these are RELATIVE risks. This study has been referenced elsewhere many times but the

results have often been misrepresented as absolute risks.

A similar reduction in breast cancer risk was found for women under the age of 40 who lost their estrogen

production due to “artificial menopause”19 and breast cancer in humans is known to be estrogen activated.

Mammary cancer was found to be the 10th most common cause of years of lost life in Golden Retrievers,

even though 86% of female GRs were spayed, at a median age of 3.4 yrs10. Considering that the female

subset accounts for almost all mammary cancer cases, it probably would rank at about the 5th most common

cause of years of lost life in female GRs. It would rank higher still if more female GRs had been kept intact

up to 30 months of age.

Boxers, cocker spaniels, English Springer spaniels, and dachshunds are breeds at high risk of mammary

tumors15. A population of mostly intact female Boxers was found to have a 40% chance of developing

mammary cancer between the ages of 6-12 years of age15. There are some indications that purebred dogs

may be at higher risk than mixed breed dogs, and purebred dogs with high inbreeding coefficients may be at

higher risk than those with low inbreeding coefficients20. More investigation is required to determine if these

are significant.

In summary, spaying female dogs significantly reduces the risk of mammary cancer (a common cancer),

and the fewer estrus cycles experienced at least up to 30 months of age, the lower the risk will be.

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Female Reproductive Tract Cancer (Uterine, Cervical, and Ovarian Cancers)

Uterine/cervical tumors are rare in dogs, constituting just 0.3% of tumors in dogs21.

Spaying will remove the risk of ovarian tumors, but the risk is only 0.5%22.

While spaying will remove the risk of reproductive tract tumors, it is unlikely that surgery can be justified to

prevent the risks of uterine, cervical, and ovarian cancers as the risks are so low.

Urinary Tract Cancer (Bladder and Urethra Cancers)

An age-matched retrospective study found that spay/neuter dogs were two times more likely to develop

lower urinary tract tumors (bladder or urethra) compared to intact dogs23. These tumors are nearly always

malignant, but are infrequent, accounting for less than 1% of canine tumors. So this risk is unlikely to weigh

heavily on spay/neuter decisions.

Airedales, Beagles, and Scottish Terriers are at elevated risk for urinary tract cancer while German

Shepherds have a lower than average risk23.


Hemangiosarcoma is a common cancer in dogs. It is a major cause of death in some breeds, such as

Salukis, French Bulldogs, Irish Water Spaniels, Flat Coated Retrievers, Golden Retrievers, Boxers, Afghan

Hounds, English Setters, Scottish Terriesr, Boston Terriers, Bulldogs, and German Shepherd Dogs24.

In an aged-matched case controlled study, spayed females were found to have a 2.2 times higher risk of

splenic hemangiosarcoma compared to intact females24.

A retrospective study of cardiac hemangiosarcoma risk factors found a >5 times greater risk in spayed

female dogs compared to intact female dogs and a 1.6 times higher risk in neutered male dogs compared to

intact male dogs.25 The authors suggest a protective effect of sex hormones against hemangiosarcoma,

especially in females.

In breeds where hermangiosarcoma is an important cause of death, the increased risk associated with

spay/neuter is likely one that should factor into decisions on whether or when to sterilize a dog.


Spay/neuter in dogs was found to be correlated with a three fold increased risk of hypothyroidism compared

to intact dogs. 26.

The researchers suggest a cause-and-effect relationship: They wrote: “More important [than the mild direct

impact on thyroid function] in the association between [spaying and] neutering and hypothyroidism may be

the effect of sex hormones on the immune system. Castration increases the severity of autoimmune

thyroiditis in mice” which may explain the link between spay/neuter and hypothyroidism in dogs.

Hypothyroidism in dogs causes obesity, lethargy, hair loss, and reproductive abnormalities.27

The lifetime risk of hypothyroidism in breed health surveys was found to be 1 in 4 in Golden Retrievers10, 1

in 3 in Akitas28, and 1 in 13 in Great Danes29.

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Owing to changes in metabolism, spay/neuter dogs are more likely to be overweight or obese than intact

dogs. One study found a two fold increased risk of obesity in spayed females compared to intact females30.

Another study found that spay/neuter dogs were 1.6 (females) or 3.0 (males) times more likely to be obese

than intact dogs, and 1.2 (females) or 1.5 (males) times more likely to be overweight than intact dogs31.

A survey study of veterinary practices in the UK found that 21% of dogs were obese.30

Being obese and/or overweight is associated with a host of health problems in dogs. Overweight dogs are

more likely to be diagnosed with hyperadrenocorticism, ruptured cruciate ligament, hypothyroidism, lower

urinary tract disease, and oral disease32. Obese dogs are more likely to be diagnosed with hypothyroidism,

diabetes mellitus, pancreatitis, ruptured cruciate ligament, and neoplasia (tumors)32.


Some data indicate that neutering doubles the risk of diabetes in male dogs, but other data showed no

significant change in diabetes risk with neutering33. In the same studies, no association was found between

spaying and the risk of diabetes.

Adverse Vaccine Reactions

A retrospective cohort study of adverse vaccine reactions in dogs was conducted, which included allergic

reactions, hives, anaphylaxis, cardiac arrest, cardiovascular shock, and sudden death. Adverse reactions

were 30% more likely in spayed females than intact females, and 27% more likely in neutered males than

intact males34.

The investigators discuss possible cause-and-effect mechanisms for this finding, including the roles that sex

hormones play in body´s ability to mount an immune response to vaccination.34

Toy breeds and smaller breeds are at elevated risk of adverse vaccine reactions, as are Boxers, English

Bulldogs, Lhasa Apsos, Weimaraners, American Eskimo Dogs, Golden Retrievers, Basset Hounds, Welsh

Corgis, Siberian Huskies, Great Danes, Labrador Retrievers, Doberman Pinschers, American Pit Bull

Terriers, and Akitas.34 Mixed breed dogs were found to be at lower risk, and the authors suggest genetic

hetereogeneity (hybrid vigor) as the cause.

Urogenital Disorders

Urinary incontinence is common in spayed female dogs, which can occur soon after spay surgery or after a

delay of up to several years. The incidence rate in various studies
is 4-20% 35,36,37 for spayed females

compared to only 0.3% in intact females38. Urinary incontinence is so strongly linked to spaying that it is

commonly called “spay incontinence” and is caused by urethral sphincter incompetence39, though the

biological mechanism is unknown. Most (but not all) cases of urinary incontinence respond to medical

treatment, and in many cases this treatment needs to be continued for the duration of the dog´s life.40

A retrospective study found that persistent or recurring urinary tract (bladder) infections (UTIs) were 3-4

times more likely in spayed females dogs than in intact females41. Another retrospective study found that

female dogs spayed before 5 ½ months of age were 2.76 times more likely to develop UTIs compared to

those spayed after 5 ½ months of age.42

Depending on the age of surgery, spaying causes abnormal development of the external genitalia. Spayed

females were found to have an increased risk of recessed vulva, vaginal dermatitis, vaginitis, and UTIs.43

The risk is higher still for female dogs spayed before puberty.43

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Pyometra (Infection of the Uterus)

Pet insurance data in Sweden (where spaying is very uncommon) found that 23% of all female dogs

developed pyometra before 10 years of age44. Bernese Mountain dogs, Rottweilers, rough-haired Collies,

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels and Golden Retrievers were found to be high risk breeds44. Female dogs

that have not whelped puppies are at elevated risk for pyometra45. Rarely, spayed female dogs can

develop “stump pyometra” related to incomplete removal of the uterus.

Pyometra can usually be treated surgically or medically, but 4% of pyometra cases led to death44.

Combined with the incidence of pyometra, this suggests that about 1% of intact female dogs will die from


Perianal Fistulas

Male dogs are twice as likely to develop perianal fistulas as females, and spay/neutered dogs have a

decreased risk compared to intact dogs46.

German Shepherd Dogs and Irish Setters are more likely to develop perianal fistulas than are other


Non-cancerous Disorders of the Prostate Gland

The incidence of benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH, enlarged prostate) increases with age in intact male

dogs, and occurs in more than 80% of intact male dogs older than the age of 5 years47. Most cases of BPH

cause no problems, but in some cases the dog will have difficulty defecating or urinating.

Neutering will prevent BPH. If neutering is done after the prostate has become enlarged, the enlarged

prostate will shrink relatively quickly.

BPH is linked to other problems of the prostate gland, including infections, abscesses, and cysts, which can

sometimes have serious consequences.

Orthopedic Disorders

In a study of beagles, surgical removal of the ovaries (as happens in spaying) caused an increase in the rate

of remodeling of the ilium (pelvic bone)48, suggesting an increased risk of hip dysplasia with spaying.

Spaying was also found to cause a net loss of bone mass in the spine 49.

Spay/neuter of immature dogs delays the closure of the growth plates in bones that are still growing,

causing those bones to end up significantly longer than in intact dogs or those spay/neutered after

maturity50. Since the growth plates in various bones close at different times, spay/neuter that is done after

some growth plates have closed but before other growth plates have closed might result in a dog with

unnatural proportions, possibly impacting performance and long term durability of the joints.

Spay/neuter is associated with a two fold increased risk of cranial cruciate ligament rupture51. Perhaps this

is associated with the increased risk of obesity30.

Spay/neuter before 5 ½ months of age is associated with a 70% increased aged-adjusted risk of hip

dysplasia compared to dogs spayed/neutered after 5 ½ months of age, though there were some indications

that the former may have had a lower severity manifestation of the disease42. The researchers suggest “it

is possible that the increase in bone length that results from early-age gonadectomy results in changes in

joint conformation, which could lead to a diagnosis of hip dysplasia.”

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In a breed health survey study of Airedales, spay/neuter dogs were significantly more likely to suffer hip

dysplasia as well as “any musculoskeletal disorder”, compared to intact dogs52, however possible

confounding factors were not controlled for, such as the possibility that some dogs might have been

spayed/neutered because they had hip dysplasia or other musculoskeletal disorders.

Compared to intact dogs, another study found that dogs neutered six months prior to a diagnosis of hip

dysplasia were 1.5 times as likely to develop clinical hip dysplasia.53

Compared to intact dogs, spayed/neutered dogs were found to have a 3.1 fold higher risk of patellar


Geriatric Cognitive Impairment

Neutered male dogs and spayed female dogs are at increased risk of progressing from mild to severe

geriatric cognitive impairment compared to intact male dogs55. There weren´t enough intact geriatric

females available for the study to determine their risk.

Geriatric cognitive impairment includes disorientation in the house or outdoors, changes in social

interactions with human family members, loss of house training, and changes in the sleep-wake cycle55.

The investigators state “This finding is in line with current research on the neuro-protective roles of

testosterone and estrogen at the cellular level and the role of estrogen in preventing Alzheimer´s disease in

human females. One would predict that estrogens would have a similar protective role in the sexually intact

female dogs; unfortunately too few sexually intact female dogs were available for inclusion in the present

study to test the hypothesis”55


An objective reading of the veterinary medical literature reveals a complex situation with respect to the longterm

health risks and benefits associated with spay/neuter in dogs. The evidence shows that spay/neuter

correlates with both positive AND adverse health effects in dogs. It also suggests how much we really do

not yet understand about this subject.

On balance, it appears that no compelling case can be made for neutering most male dogs to prevent future

health problems, especially immature male dogs. The number of health problems associated with neutering

may exceed the associated health benefits in most cases.

For female dogs, the situation is more complex. The number of health benefits associated with spaying may

exceed the associated health problems in many (not all) cases. On balance, whether spaying improves the

odds of overall good health or degrades them probably depends on the age of the dog and the relative risk

of various diseases in the different breeds.

The traditional spay/neuter age of six months as well as the modern practice of pediatric spay/neuter appear

to predispose dogs to health risks that could otherwise be avoided by waiting until the dog is physically

mature, or perhaps in the case of many male dogs, foregoing it altogether unless medically necessary.

The balance of long-term health risks and benefits of spay/neuter will vary from one dog to the next. Breed,

age, and gender are variables that must be taken into consideration in conjunction with non-medical factors

for each individual dog. Across-the-board recommendations for all dogs do not appear to be supportable

from find
ings in the veterinary medical literature.

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1 Burrow R, Batchelor D, Cripps P. Complications observed during and after ovariohysterectomy of 142

bitches at a veterinary teaching hospital. Vet Rec. 2005 Dec 24-31;157(26):829-33.

2 Pollari FL, Bonnett BN, Bamsey, SC, Meek, AH, Allen, DG (1996) Postoperative complications of elective

surgeries in dogs and cats determined by examining electronic and medical records. Journal of the

American Veterinary Medical Association 208, 1882-1886

3 Dorn AS, Swist RA. (1977) Complications of canine ovariohysterectomy. Journal of the American Animal

Hospital Association 13, 720-724

4 Pollari FL, Bonnett BN. Evaluation of postoperative complications following elective surgeries of dogs and

cats at private practices using computer records, Can Vet J. 1996 November; 37(11): 672-678.

5 Teske E, Naan EC, van Dijk EM, van Garderen E, Schalken JA. Canine prostate carcinoma:

epidemiological evidence of an increased risk in castrated dogs. Mol Cell Endocrinol. 2002 Nov 29;197(1-


6 Sorenmo KU, Goldschmidt M, Shofer F, Ferrocone J. Immunohistochemical characterization of canine

prostatic carcinoma and correlation with castration status and castration time. Vet Comparative Oncology.

2003 Mar; 1 (1): 48

7 Weaver, AD. Fifteen cases of prostatic carcinoma in the dog. Vet Rec. 1981; 109, 71-75.

8 Cohen D, Reif JS, Brodey RS, et al: Epidemiological analysis of the most prevalent sites and types of

canine neoplasia observed in a veterinary hospital. Cancer Res 34:2859-2868, 1974

9 Theilen GH, Madewell BR. Tumors of the genital system. Part II. In:Theilen GH, Madewell BR, eds.

Veterinary cancer medicine. 2nd ed.Lea and Febinger, 1987:583-600.

10 Glickman LT, Glickman N, Thorpe R. The Golden Retriever Club of America National Health Survey 1998-


11 Handbook of Small Animal Practice, 3rd ed

12 Hayes HM Jr, Pendergrass TW. Canine testicular tumors: epidemiologic features of 410 dogs. Int J

Cancer 1976 Oct 15;18(4):482-7

13 Ru G, Terracini B, Glickman LT. (1998) Host-related risk factors for canine osteosarcoma. Vet J 1998


14 Cooley DM, Beranek BC, Schlittler DL, Glickman NW, Glickman LT, Waters DJ. Endogenous gonadal

hormone exposure and bone sarcoma risk. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2002 Nov;11(11):1434-40.

15 Moe L. Population-based incidence of mammary tumours in some dog breeds. J of Reproduction and

Fertility Supplment 57, 439-443.

16 Ferguson HR; Vet Clinics of N Amer: Small Animal Practice; Vol 15, No 3, May 1985

17 MacEwen EG, Patnaik AK, Harvey HJ Estrogen receptors in canine mammary tumors. Cancer Res., 42:

2255-2259, 1982.

18 Schneider, R, Dorn, CR, Taylor, DON. Factors Influencing Canine Mammary Cancer Development and

Postsurgical Survival. J Natl Cancer Institute, Vol 43, No 6, Dec. 1969

19 Feinleib M: Breast cancer and artificial menopause: A cohort study. J Nat Cancer Inst 41: 315-329, 1968.

20 Dorn CR and Schneider R. Inbreeding and canine mammary cancer. A retrospective study. J Natl Cancer

Inst. 57: 545-548, 1976.

21 Brodey RS: Canine and feline neoplasia. Adv Vet Sci Comp Med 14:309-354, 1970

22 Hayes A, Harvey H J: Treatment of metastatic granulosa cell tumor in a dog. J Am Vet Med Assoc

174:1304-1306, 1979

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23 Norris AM, Laing EJ, Valli VE, Withrow SJ. J Vet Intern Med 1992 May; 6(3):145-53

24 Prymak C, McKee LJ, Goldschmidt MH, Glickman LT. Epidemiologic, clinical, pathologic, and prognostic

characteristics of splenic hemangiosarcoma and splenic hematoma in dogs: 217 cases (1985). J Am Vet

Med Assoc 1988 Sep; 193(6):706-12

25 Ware WA, Hopper, DL. Cardiac Tumors in Dogs: 1982-1995. J Vet Intern Med 1999;13:95-103.

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