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Futurity & Maturity

Futurity Director: Kris Baker

Futurity Stake Rules

I. Purpose

To encourage the breeding of the best possible Doberman Pinschers and to reward the breeders for their efforts.

II. General

A. Correct and timely nominations of both the litter and the individual puppy are required for stake eligibility.

B. Prize monies can only be won through competition in stake judging.

C. Nomination forms may be secured from the DPCA website

III. Nomination of Litter

A. Must be by breeder, or a co-breeder, who is a member of the DPCA in good standing at the time of nomination.

B. Must be after the breeding, but before puppies are 8 days old. DPCA Store order nomination establishes date of nomination.

C. Fee is $15.00 and is payable in US Dollars only. There will be no refunds.

D. Nomination of litter makes each puppy in litter eligible for individual nomination.

IV. Nomination of Puppy

A. Must be before puppy reaches four (4) months of age. DPCA Store order nomination establishes date of nomination.

B. Fee is $15.00 for DPCA members and $25.00 for non-members for each nomination and is payable in US Dollars only. There will be no refunds.

C. An entire litter may be individually nominated by paying the fee for each puppy.

D. Any changes in the identifying information which will be included in the Futurity or DPCA Specialty Show catalog from that previously provided the Futurity Director, must be received by the Futurity Director at least three (3) weeks before the stake judging. Failure to provide such information will result in disqualification.

V. Entry for Stake Judging

A. Must be entered in one of the regular classes, either conformation or obedience, at the DPCA Specialty Show and Obedience Trial. Fee for this entry must be paid.

B. Futurity Stake entry must be indicated as an additional class.

C. Additional class entry must include age division and color (e.g., Futurity, 6-9, black). Puppies are eligible only for the Futurity Stake which is in conjunction with the first DPCA Specialty Show held on or after the date they reach six (6) months of age. Youngest entrant must be six months on the day of the stake.

VI. Class Divisions

A. Stake is divided into four age divisions: 6-9, 9-12, 12-15, and 15 plus months of age.

B. Each age division is further divided by sex and by color (black and AOAC). Thus, there are four classes in each age division.

C. Four placements are made in the judging of each class.

VII. Sequence of Judging

A. Judging sequence for each age division will be: black dogs, AOAC dogs, black bitches, AOAC bitches, winner, reserve winner. After the age division winner is selected, the judge will select a reserve winner from the three remaining first place winners, plus the second place winner of the class from which the winner was selected.

B. Best Futurity Puppy is selected from the 6-9 and 9-12 age division winners immediately following 9-12 judging.

C. Best Futurity Junior is selected from the 12-15 and 15 plus age division winners immediately following 15 plus age division judging.

D. The Best Futurity Puppy and Best Futurity Junior compete for Grand Prize Futurity winner.

E. If for any reason the Grand Prize winner is deemed ineligible, all prizes awarded will be returned to the DPCA. Should the other division winner be eligible, the prizes will be re-awarded to them and they will be recognized as the Grand Prize winner.

F. If any winner is deemed to be ineligible, all prizes awarded will be returned to the DPCA.

VIII. Divisions of Total Futurity Stake Monies

A. General

1. 25% to operating expense fund.

2. 75% to be divided equally between the puppy and junior stakes.

3. A redemption card will be given to each winning placement and all monies will be awarded after the completion of the Futurity Stake judging.

B. Divisions of Individual Stake Monies (puppy and junior)

1. 80% to placements in the eight classes, with 40% of this going to 1st placements, 30% to the 2nd placements, 20% to the 3rd placements, and 10% to the 4th placements.

2. 7% to be divided equally between the four age division winners, l 3/4% to each.

3. 3% to be divided equally between the four age division reserve winners, 3/4% to each.

4. 5% to be divided equally between Best Futurity Puppy and Best Futurity Junior, 2½% to each.

5. 5% to Grand Prize Futurity winner.

IX. Trophies and Ribbons

A. A trophy will be awarded to the breeder of the Grand Prize Futurity winner from Futurity operating funds.

B Other trophies and rosettes may be awarded at the discretion of the National Specialty Show Committee.

C. Rosettes or ribbons are awarded for each placement.

X. Records

It is recommended those who have made entries in the Futurity Stake have copies of all pertinent correspondence regarding acceptance of nominations, name changes, etc., available at the time of judging.

Summary of Major Rules

1 Litter must be nominated by DPCA member breeders before they are 8 days old.

2. Puppy must be nominated before it reaches four (4) months of age.

3. Futurity is an additional class at the National Specialty, and entry form must so indicate. (No points are awarded.)

4. All information on entry form for stake judging must be consistent with that which has been supplied the Futurity Director.

Maturity Stake Rules

I. Purpose

To add a second opportunity to exhibit a puppy from a Futurity nominated litter, also to allow puppies that were slower to develop and not ready to compete in their Futurity year.

II. General

A. Correct and timely nominations are required for stake eligibility.

B. Prize monies can only be won through competition in stake judging.

C. Nomination forms may be obtained from the DPCA website

III. Nomination of Litter

The nomination of the dam will have been made for the previous year’s Futurity.

IV. Nomination of Puppies

A. Puppies nominated for the Futurity by a DPCA member are eligible and will pay a fee or $15.00

B. Puppies NOT nominated but from a nominated Futurity Litter will pay a fee of 25.00 if a member of the DPCA

C. Puppies eligible for the Maturity and are not owned or co owned by a DPCA member will pay an additional $10.00

D. All fees are payable to the DPCA and will be in U.S. Dollars.

E. Nominations will be made beginning April 15 and close July 31 of the year in which the event occurs.

V. Entry for the Stake Judging

A. Must be entered in one of the regular classes, either conformation, obedience or agility at the DPCA National Specialty show. Fee for this entry must be paid.

B. The Maturity must be indicated as an additional class.

C The additional class entry must include class division, color and sex. DPCA

VI. Class Divisions.

A. Stake is divided into two (2) divisions: Junior and Senior. The junior division is comprised of the previous year’s futurity six (6) through twelve (12) classes and the Senior division is comprised of the previous year’s twelve (12) through fifteen plus (15+) classes.

B. Each division is further divided by sex and color (Black & AOAC). Thus there are four (4) classes In each division.

C. Four placements are made in the judging of each class.

VII. Sequence of Judging

A. Judging sequence for each division will be Black Dogs, AOAC Dogs, Black Bitches, AOAC Bitches, Winner, Reserve Winner. After the division winner is selected, the judge will select a reserve winner from the three remaining 1st place winners and the 2nd place winner of the class from which the winner was selected.

B. The Winners of the Junior Division and Senior Division compete for the Maturity Championship.

C. If for any reason the Grand Prize winner is deemed ineligible, all prizes awarded will be returned to the DPCA. Should the other division winner be eligible, the prizes will be re-awarded to them and they will be recognized as the Grand Prize winner.

D. If any winner is deemed to be ineligible, all prizes awarded will be returned to the DPCA.

VIII. Division of Total Maturity Stake Monies

A. General

1. 25% to operating expense fund.

2. 75% to be divided equally between the Junior and Senior Divisions.

3. A redemption card will be given to each placement and all monies will be awarded after the completion of the Stake judging.

B. Divisions of Individual Stake Monies (Junior and Senior)

1. 80% to placements in the 8 classes, with 40% to 1st placements, 30% to 2nd placements, 20% to 3rd placements and 10% to 4th placements.

2. 10% to be divided equally between the two (2) division winners, 5% to each.

3. 5% to be divided equally between the two (2) division reserve winners, 2 1/2% each.

4. 5% to the Maturity Champion.

IX. Trophies and Ribbons

Trophies and Ribbons will be provided.

X. Summary of Major Rules

1. Entry must be from a Futurity Nominated Litter of the previous year.

2. Entries must be made online through the DPCA store between April 15th and July 31st of the year in which the event will be held. DPCA Store order date will be the determining factor

3. The Maturity is an additional class. Entry in to a regular AKC class is required.

4. All information on the entry form for the stake judging must be consistent with that which has been Supplied to the Director of the Maturity.

Nomination Forms

Litter Nomination Form
Puppy Nomination Form
Maturity Nomination Form (open from April 15-July 31)

Frequently Asked Questions

I’m confused about the whole Futurity/Maturity program. Can you please explain it?

Essentially, the Futurity is a 3-step process:
1. Nominate the bitch while she is in whelp.
2. Nominate individual puppies before they are 4 months old.
3. Enter the Futurity “additional class” at the National.

Maturity has 2 additional steps:
4. Nominate individual puppies for Maturity (between April 15 and July 31.)
5. Enter the Maturity “additional class” at the National.

Do I have to be a member to nominate a bitch (litter) for Futurity?

Yes, you must be a member to nominate a bitch for Futurity.

Do I have to be a member to nominate a puppy for Futurity or Maturity?

If the puppy is from a Futurity-nominated litter, then you do NOT have to be a member to individually nominate a puppy for either Futurity or Maturity. (The fees are slightly higher for non-members.) Only puppies from Futurity-nominated litters are eligible for competition in Futurity or Maturity.

I’m not a DPCA member, but my breeder, who is a co-owner of the puppy, is a member. Do I have to pay the higher fee for non-members?

The fee is based on who submits the nomination. If you are not a member, and you submit the nomination, yes, you need to pay the higher fee.

Can I send a check instead of PayPal?

No. We only accept PayPal payments.  Contact the Futurity Director with questions.

I have a Mac. Can I still fill out the form electronically?

Yes.  The online order form can be filled out with any computer.

My puppy wasn’t entered in Futurity, but he’s matured nicely. Can I enter him in Maturity?

Yes, as long as he is from a Futurity-nominated litter. The fee is slightly higher if he wasn’t nominated for Futurity, but he is still eligible to compete in Maturity.

I’m not sure which Maturity class to enter – Junior or Senior?

If the dog was in the Puppy class in Futurity (6-12 months,) you will enter him as a Junior in Maturity. If he was in the 12-18+ month class in Futurity, he will be a Senior in Maturity.

Contact info for DPCA Futurity Director Kris Baker:

Phone: 513-703-8269

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