“Reagan” (mother), “Blake” (son) and “Samara” (daughter) – photo credit: Mike Thomas
Our visitors come here to gather information. They may be contemplating getting a Doberman puppy and want to know more about the Breed. Some already have a puppy and need help with the various stages and problems that arise during puppyhood. Some have adults or even seniors and want information. Other’s are having behavior problems, or health problems and want to know if this is typical of a Doberman. Whatever the reason you’re here—we want to help and are here for you.
We know it’s a huge decision to add a puppy or adult canine to your life. You are here because the Doberman has “caught your fancy” and is appealing to you. It may be his beautiful, stream-lined sleekness that first attracted you, or you may have seen a Doberman running in the park—stretching out and really turning on the speed. Or maybe you saw one walking along at his master’s side, so obediently and patiently. Or maybe you saw a picture of a Doberman in a book or saw one at a Dog Show or saw an article about the Doberman as a “War dog” in the 1950’s.
Whatever the scenario that first brought the Doberman to your attention, the Doberman is a beautiful, intelligent, loyal and energetic dog—and we want to tell you more about what it’s like to own one, live with one, train one, take care of one, select one and truly make your decision to own one a totally informed choice. The Doberman may be the “perfect” addition to your life—but, maybe not.
Sharing your life with a Doberman, or any dog, means a total commitment to love, care for, train, discipline and protect this living creature that depends on YOU. It’s an important and life changing decision, not to be taken lightly.
Please enjoy our site, and after you’ve navigated the various articles, if you have any inquiries, please contact the Public Education Committee and we will be pleased to help you with your questions.
“The Doberman Pinscher Club of America presents the educational and scientific material on these pages as a service to its membership and to the general public but does not endorse those materials, nor does it guarantee the accuracy of any opinions or information contained therein. The opinions expressed in the materials are strictly the opinion of the writer and do not represent the opinion of, nor are they endorsed by, the Doberman Pinscher Club of America. Health and medical articles are intended as an aid to those seeking health information and are not intended to replace the informed opinion of a qualified Veterinarian.”