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Home 9 Shows 9 Regional Results – 2018

Regional Results – 2018

2018 - St. Charles, IL


Intersex: Linda Krukar
Dogs: Dr. May Jacobson
Bitches: Luiz Fernando Ribas Silva
Sweepstakes: Karin Fox
Agility: Michele Fletcher
Obedience: Ronnie Bizer and Leslye Pinnell
Rally: Fred Buroff and Leslye Pinnell
WAE Evaluator: Eric Peterson
Junior Showmanship: Linda Krukar

Full results from AKC: Conformation

National coverage in the "Year in Review"

Regional coverage in the "Year in Review"

All photos by: The Winning Image

Best of Breed
CH Legendale Lady Luk V Goldgrove
Breeder: Lana L. Ferguson & Sharon Pflueger
Owner: Lana Ferguson

Best of Opposite Sex
GCH Element Rock Star
Breeder: Denise Kusey & Leah Kamppinen & D. Pappas
Owner: Denise L. Kusey & Leah Kamppinen

Winners Dog
Mojave’s Apache Tears
Breeder: Alison Merrick
Owner: Tamara Champagne, Douglas Haflchuk and Alison Merrick

Winners Bitch/Best of Winners
Foxfire's Missing Allotta Love
Breeder: Michelle Santana Teresa Ross
Owner: Michelle M. Santana & Teresa Ross

Best in Sweeps
Ch. Mirabel Love Story RATN
Breeder: Michelle Kramer & Jim Lauver
Owner: Rick & Irene Wilcox & Michelle Kramer

Junior Handler
Maren LaPlante


Best of Breed or VarietyGCHG CH Legendale Lady Luk Vgoldgrove (B),  L Ferguson/K Kato
Best of Opposite SexGCH CH Element Rock Star (D),  D Kusey/L Kamppinen
Select DogGCH CH Gallant's Scandel V Ciden D'Tales Alisaton  J Warych/D Schmitt/C Huckfeldt/G DeMilta
Select BitchGCHS CH Bellacane Abira Duchess Royale V Obermark  M Moyer/T Moyer/C Green
Best of WinnersFoxfire's Missing Allotta Love (B),  T Ross/M Santana
Winners Dog Mojave's Apache Tears  T Champagne/D Hafichuk/A Merrick
Reserve Winner Dog Moa's Guardian Of The Galaxy  m files/J Ziolkowski
Winners Bitch Foxfire's Missing Allotta Love  T Ross/M Santana
Reserve Winner Bitch Goldgrove Cloud Computing  M Farabee/S Pflueger
Puppy 6 - 9 Mos. BLK
1Jager's Imperator B Foster
2Dreamchaser's Wild Ride L Eggers/J Hinkle/L Hinkle
3Mandre's Kindred Spirit I Silsby
4Rahdy's Tsar "Nikolay" J Johnson/J Goldfein/D Goldfein
Puppy 6 - 9 Mos. AOAC
1Mervio Dark Tower V. Roclyn L Roche
2Foxfire's Try To Keep Up C Flasch/M Santana
3Hierarch's Like A Hurricane S Tull/L Philyaw
4Wendorf's Once Upon A Time L Wood
Puppy 9 - 12 Mos. BLK
1Shadeko's On The Waterfront L Barber/P Reinhardt
2Kinscem's The Refrigerator K Desbon
3Horizon's Houston Strong S Sommer/L George
4DNicmar Raffa Nadal
Puppy 9 - 12 Mos. AOAC
1Kinscem's Quarterback Sneak K Desbon
2Gentry N Eastcapes Knockout D Romans/D Mackenzie
12 - 15 Mos. BLK
1Trejac's Rhythm Of The Rain B Singh/J Brothers
2Warrenmtn A Divine Quintessence J Novelli
3Horizon's Ansel Adams R De Moss
12 - 15 Mos. AOAC
1Horizon's Renoir CGC TKN S White
15 - 18 Mos. BLK
1Mojave's Apache Tears T Champagne/D Hafichuk/A Merrick
2A'Monde's Catastrophic Thunderstorm V Argus M Vaca/N Peribonio/A Levine
15 - 18 Mos. AOAC
1Cassel's Moonshine Whiskey T Casselman
2Special Edition's Red Monster T Roy/S Khan
Bred By Exhibitor BLK
1Ko N Foxfire's General Madness G Stilwell/K Owen
2Protocol-Liberator Pagani Without Compromise S St. John/J Mullins/K Mullins
3Redstone's 21 Nights In London K Allen
4Jager's Talk Of The Town C Lane-Smith/P Croley/D Owen
Bred By Exhibitor AOAC
1Cedar Knoll Ojadn Storm Chaser Gallant Ciden J Liscombe/D Jensen/B Piper
2Rahdy's This Is Us "Pearson" J Goldfein/D Goldfein/S Goldfein/S Goldfein
American Bred BLK
1Dante's Royal Mystic Loch L Hargrove/T Sloan/C Sloan
2Foxy's Gone In Sixty Seconds J Schilling
American Bred AOAC
1Moa's Guardian Of The Galaxy m files/J Ziolkowski
2Sunburg's Vision Quest S Casey
Open BLK
1Majestic El Jefe J Yoo
2Keegan Knave Von Spades CGC J Marchetti -Hamm
3Gentrys Criminal Minds D Romans
4Holly Woods Shaken Not Stirred L Ramsey/L Ramsey
1Electron N Foxfire's All Knowing G Force RATN N Crossley/T Markey
2Cassius De Akido San K Kew
Puppy 6 - 9 Mos. BLK
1Dreamchaser's Flying Wild J Hinkle/L Hinkle
2Adamas A Wish Come True K Fuss/E Barrett
3Jager's Perfectly Designed For Silhouette J Cates
4Mandre's Keepsake B Ross
Puppy 6 - 9 Mos. AOAC
1Hierarch's Fire Away V. Protocol L Philyaw/P Philyaw/A Ferrari
2Rahdy's Ciao Bella "Bella" L Barber/J Goldfein/D Goldfein
3Quartet's Paint The Town Red V Arete V Hitzfield/W Call
4Mervio Call Of The Seven C'S M Harrington
Puppy 9 - 12 Mos. BLK
1Chromaticway's Feast For The Eyes A Sharma/U Basak
2Ravenwoods N Vonduras Diamonds In The Sky T Kelber/S Kelber
3Protocol-Liberator Porsche There Is No Substitute J Mullins/K Mullins
4Cambria's Sophisticate E Miery Teran
Puppy 9 - 12 Mos. AOAC
1Cambria's Swinging On A Star G Lucoff/A White
2Kinscem's The Play Maker K Desbon
3Protocol-Liberator Bugatti Breaking New Dimensions C Cooper/G Cooper/J Mullins/K Mullins
4Montwoodarista's Lady In Red J Field-Miller
12 - 15 Mos. BLK
1Bellacane Dancing In The Moonlight CGC B Sterlen/M Pike/T Moyer/M Moyer
2Trejac's Dancing To The Rhythm J Brothers
3Belgreg, Gemini & Telstar's Belle Starr H Boettcher/S Gregory/M Collins/J Benfield
4Emerald's Special Delivery C Ceely
12 - 15 Mos. AOAC
1Foxfire's Missing Allotta Love T Ross/M Santana
2Mistel's Cherry Amour C Austin
3Wingate's Life In The Fast Lane J Huston
15 - 18 Mos. BLK
1Goldgrove Cloud Computing M Farabee/S Pflueger
2Holmrun's I Am Magic R Diaz De Leon
3Gale Force Iz Zoosfery S Habel
4Mirabel Love On Fire K Langley/M Kramer
15 - 18 Mos. AOAC
1Excel's Daenerys Von Koepsel L Stubbs
2Cassel's Lunar Eclipse T Casselman
Bred By Exhibitor BLK
1Mirabel Scandalous Love CGC G Jarvie/M Kramer
2Cambria's On The Mark DS P Richard/A White
3Element Set Fire To The Rain D Kusey/L Kamppinen
4Nomad's That's What I Like L Spengler/P Vester
Bred By Exhibitor AOAC
1Kinetic Hope Springs Eternal V Firelake A Tourond/G McLogan/H Johnson/C Tartar
2Cedar Knoll Ojadn Storm Warning Gallant Ciden B Piper/D Jensen
3Crystal Run's Chance Of Storms L RAMSEY/J Petho
American Bred BLK
1Denmar's Too Hot To Handle v Alisaton M Neupaver
2Lyndobe's Liv 'N Let Liv C Sorg
3Sirai's Red Carpet Affair CGC TKI J Engstrom/C Dunnam
4Smack-Dab's Smokin' Hot V Spitfire NA NAJ NF ACT2 P Moorhatch
American Bred AOAC
1Trejac's In Style And Rhythm J Brothers
2Demor's Carnival S Willms/D Morman
3Dezperados Tattle Tale C DeMilta-Shimpeno/H Zimmerman/G DeMilta/G Glazbrook/F Rogers
4Mi-Ti's Guilty Or Innocent M Ross/J Ross/S Baker/C Silverman
Amateur Owner Handler BLK
1Platinum's Shared Belief J Haugen/J Haugen/S Korp
Amateur Owner Handler AOAC
1Trejac Nobody Does It Better V Radiant N Troyer/S Jokai
Open BLK
1Cassel N Dbella's Wicked RN L Hill/T Casselman
2Van Orman's Come Fly With Me M Reilly/S Olschewski
3Nomad's Money Make Her Smile P Vester
4Dobereich's Here Comes The Sun J Lusted/M Peterson
1Raindance Walks On Water S James/C James
2Alcher Champagne Wishes Gentry M Moyer/T Moyer/C Green/T Stone
3Caleb's The Stars Sing Praise T Nail/D Dietz/L Jones
4Ravensown This Devil Wears Vintage K Owen/A Zemouri
Non-Reg Veteran, Dogs
Non-Reg Veteran VET7TO9
1GCH CH Element Rock Star D Kusey/L Kamppinen
2GCHB CH Alisaton First Encounter V Gallant Ciden NA NAJ L Hargrove/G DeMilta/C DeMilta-Shimpeno/D Schmitt
3GCH CH Rauschund's School Of Hard Noxs CGC J Lee/C Havener
4GCH CH Rauschund's Mean Mr Mustard P Reinard-Kopsa/C Havener
Non-Reg Veteran, Bitches
Non-Reg Veteran VET7TO9
1GCHS CH Kelviews Crown Jewel V Mueller CA C Nicholson/C Kelso
2GCH CH Clariion's Lindero Canyon V. Thunder NAJ T Mahle/R Determan
3GCHS CH Cambria's Tourmaline CDX BN RE J Haugen/J Haugen/S Korp
4CH Mojave's Creeping Devil CD A Merrick
Non-Reg Veteran VET9TO11
1GCHB CH Gorrmae's Singular Sensation CDX BN GN RA NA NAJ CGC TKN M Mannino/L Gorr
Non-Reg Veteran VET11
1CH Perfex Cyclone Mahina E Baron/R Baron/N Baron/D Baron/M Perfect
Best of Breed/Variety Competition
4GCHS CH Cambria's Tourmaline CDX BN RE  J Haugen/J Haugen/S Korp
Non-Reg Veteran VET9TO11
1GCHP CH Protocol's Veni Vidi Vici MX MXB MXJ MJB CA DN  J Mullins/K Mullins
2GCHB CH Gorrmae's Singular Sensation CDX BN GN RA NA NAJ CGC TKN  M Mannino/L Gorr
3CH Phillmar My One & Only Dobmann CDX RA CGC  L Whitmire/C Green/P Martin
4Boland's Rachel Alexandra CD  K Stead
Non-Reg Veteran VET11
1CH Vondura's Supernatural  K Fox/R Fox
2CH Perfex Cyclone Mahina  E Baron/R Baron/N Baron/D Baron/M Perfect