2023 – Springfield, MO
Intersex: Sioux Forsyth Green
Dogs: Doug Jensen
Bitches: Cynthia Woodward
Sweepstakes: Mona Fasth DVM
Agility: Lisa Potts
Obedience: David Maurer and Celeste Meade Maurer
Rally: David Maurer and Celeste Meade Maurer
WAE Evaluator: Eric Peterson
Junior Showmanship: Sioux Forsyth Green
Full results from AKC:
National coverage in the “Year in Review”
Regional coverage in the “Year in Review”
All photos by: The Winning Image

Best of Breed
GCHS Macaco's Preston
Breeder: Hector, Alicia & Esteban Farias
Owner: Robin Sparks, H Farias, A Farias, B Sauls

Best of Opposite Sex
GCHG Alcher Tmac Witchcraft V Gentry
Breeder: Deb Romans, Cheryl Green, Tony Mackenzie
Owner: Cheryl Green, Tony Mackenzie

Winners Dog
Crosswind's Serves you Right
Breeder: S Duval, Deb Wedderman, Courtney Hanisak, A Ring
Owner: Jamie Vogler, Courtney Hanisak

Winners Bitch/Best of Winners
Kelview's a Reason to Reign v Connquest
Breeder: Colleen Nicholson, Cindy Kelso
Owner: Mark & Wendy Buterbaugh, Colleen Nicholson

Best in Sweeps
Ambermark 'N Starlaine Dirty Martini
Breeder: Sheryl Law, Elaine Hopper
Owner: Sheryl Law, Elaine Hopper

Best in Veteran Sweeps
GCHB Abadie's Hearts a Fire
Breeder: Barbara Lankford
Owner: Barbara Lankford

Junior Handler
Ashley Miller
Best of Breed or Variety | GCHG CH Macaco’s Preston (D), R Sparks/H Farias/A Farias/B Sauls |
Best of Opposite Sex | GCHP CH Alcher Tmac Witchcraft V Gentry (B), C Green/T Mackenzie |
Select Dog | CH Emilio De Tatindob-Argentina H Piazza |
Select Bitch | CH Seraphin Rise Up With Alisaton N Bosley/J Warych/D Schmitt/C DeMilta-Shimpeno/G DeMilta |
Best of Winners | Kelview’s A Reason To Reign V. Connquest TKI VHMP (B), W Buterbaugh/M Buterbaugh/C Nicholson/C Kelso |
Best Owner-Handled in Breed or Variety | CH Hq Do U Dare To Dream (D), E Marshall/C Taylor/L Vail |
Winners Dog | Crosswind’s Serves You Right J Vogler/C Hanisak |
Reserve Winner Dog | Cambria’s Perazzi A Johnson/A Ramsbottom White |
Winners Bitch | Kelview’s A Reason To Reign V. Connquest TKI VHMP W Buterbaugh/M Buterbaugh/C Nicholson/C Kelso |
Reserve Winner Bitch | Crosswind’s Bragging Rights D Wedderman/C Hanisak |
Intersex | |
Dogs | |
Puppy 6 – 9 Mos. BLK | |
1 | Rahdy’s Country Boy Can Survive “Jack” J Barry/J Goldfein/S Goldfein/S Goldfein/D Goldfein |
2 | Rahdy’s Sympathy For The Devil “Charlie” V Sweeny/S Goldfein/E Thomas/S Goldfein/D Goldfein/J Goldfein |
3 | Idle Hour Black In Action E Wallace |
4 | Kansa’s Extra-Terrestrial R Hart/G Hart/D Matson/J Matson |
Puppy 6 – 9 Mos. AOAC | |
1 | Rok’N The Boys Are Back In Town S Fait/T Sarinske |
2 | Rahdy’s Cowboys And Angels “Ty” J Goldfein/D Goldfein/S Goldfein/S Goldfein |
Puppy 9 – 12 Mos. BLK | |
1 | Cambria’s Perazzi A Johnson/A Ramsbottom White |
2 | Aludra’s Compared To What R Roter/R Roter |
Puppy 9 – 12 Mos. AOAC | |
1 | Demor’s Burning It Down D Rohweder |
2 | Mi-Ti’s Don’T Rain On My Parade R Matthews/C Silverman/S Baker |
3 | Hamlet’s Red Throne G Zaragoza |
12 – 15 Mos. BLK | |
1 | Protea’s Kashmir T Erlandson/H Driscoll |
2 | Namaste’s Turn Up The Heat L Hunnicutt/J Dupre |
12 – 15 Mos. AOAC | |
1 | Stonewallmen Red Chamaco The King By Hamlet F Gotlib/R Mendez |
2 | Mariahs Imagine That Dimarko D Hoover/S Sysavath |
15 – 18 Mos. BLK | |
1 | Gabcyndog’s Benjamin |
15 – 18 Mos. AOAC | |
1 | Falconcreek Monet G Rivero Falcon |
2 | Epic’s Speak Softly And Carry A Big Stick D Paris/M Paris/E Glofka/L Glofka |
Bred-by-Exhibitor Puppy BLK | |
1 | Crosswind’s Serves You Right J Vogler/C Hanisak |
2 | Ambermark ‘N Starlaine With Twist S Law/E Hopper |
3 | Arete’s Ryde The Wild Wind J Heuer/V Hitzfield/K Hitzfield |
4 | Gatehouse Forty Creek V Arete M Reilly/S Olschewski/V Hitzfield |
Bred-by-Exhibitor Puppy AOAC | |
1 | Jaimand’s Hot Desert Knight M Dietzler Bondy |
Bred-by-Exhibitor Adult BLK | |
1 | Nomad’s 99 Problems P Vester |
Bred-by-Exhibitor Adult AOAC | |
1 | Dimarko Imagination Of Mariah M Bigham |
American Bred | |
1 | Valiant’s Solid As A Rock B Briley |
American Bred AOAC | |
1 | Mariah’s Who’s That V Destry c taylor/T Marshall/M Bigham |
Open BLK | |
1 | Skyeline’s More Than Enough A Lynn |
2 | Fandola’s World Best Gt S Kang |
3 | Northerngirl Valentine Corb RN CGC K Schmidt/M NICHOLS/K Crider/E Spear |
Open AOAC | |
1 | Hiromi Del Samurai G RIVERO |
2 | Burak (Zaragoza) J ZARAGOZA Guerra |
3 | Irongate’s Top Secret J Parker/M Parker/E Auch |
Bitches | |
Puppy 6 – 9 Mos. BLK | |
1 | Kelview’s A Reason To Reign V. Connquest TKI VHMP W Buterbaugh/M Buterbaugh/C Nicholson/C Kelso |
2 | Kelview’s A Reason To Gossip V Abadie B Lankford/C Kelso/C Nicholson |
3 | Addox’s Stormy Weather C Ceely |
4 | Jaimand’s Desert Jewel K Mensing/M Dietzler Bondy |
Puppy 6 – 9 Mos. AOAC | |
1 | Rahdy’s Wild As Her “Mallory” J Blimling/J Goldfein/S Goldfein/S Goldfein |
2 | Rahdy’s Leave Her Wild “Georgie Girl” G Salibi/J Goldfein/D Goldfein/S Goldfein/S Goldfein |
3 | Rockhill’s A Strong Shot Of Whiskey J Dupre/N Dupre/K Howard/L Hunnicutt |
4 | Kansa’s Exquisite J Schmelig/J Matson |
Puppy 9 – 12 Mos. BLK | |
1 | Kalora’s Luck Be A Lady Tonight S Cullinan/E Corr |
2 | Reign’s Tornado Alley @Miramax G Hartley/C Ceely |
3 | Prima’s Can’t Help That I’m Popular CGC S Sitton |
4 | Prima N Resolute’s Suck It Up DJ K Simmons/B Simmons/S Sitton |
Puppy 9 – 12 Mos. AOAC | |
1 | Broadway’s The Name On Everybody’s Lips S Dunstan |
12 – 15 Mos. BLK | |
1 | Sunny N Foxfire Crown Jewels Z Wang |
2 | Raindance Game On Tsavo T Belgrave/S James |
3 | Protocol’s Enchanting Future For Bellisa L Henke/J Mullins/K Mullins/J Carter |
12 – 15 Mos. AOAC | |
1 | R&B’s Don’T Stop Believin V Florindale P Price/K Forster |
2 | Wynn’s Cassius Clay B Wynn |
15 – 18 Mos. BLK | |
1 | Masterrock Instant Crush S Tojo/E Cortina/M Alonso |
2 | Belgreg,Gemini & Telstar’s It Only Takes One S Gregory/M Collins |
3 | Electron N Foxfire’s High And Mighty SWN K Benzon/T Markey |
15 – 18 Mos. AOAC | |
1 | Epic’s Rocket’s Red Glare BN RN CGC TKN K Backues/E Glofka/L Glofka |
2 | Epic’s Pledge Of Allegiance E Glofka/L Glofka |
Bred-by-Exhibitor Puppy BLK | |
1 | Ambermark ‘N Starlaine Dirty Martini S Law/E Hopper |
2 | Kelview’s Reason To Believe V. Connquest C Nicholson/C Kelso |
3 | Schohaus Blue Jean Kind Of Night J Schoeneman/E Langhorne |
4 | Mirabel Put A Little Love In Your Heart M Kramer/J Lauver |
Bred-by-Exhibitor Puppy AOAC | |
1 | Crosswind’s Bragging Rights D Wedderman/C Hanisak |
2 | Rahdy’s Beautiful Crazy “Lou” S Goldfein/J Goldfein/D Goldfein/S Goldfein |
3 | Schohaus Blue Jean And Pearls J Schoeneman/L Schoeneman/W Kerr/J Davis |
Bred-by-Exhibitor Adult BLK | |
1 | Nomad’s Champagne Night V. Cadillac P Vester/D McNiff/L Spengler |
2 | Raindance N Gabes Unexplainable Event A Brinkley/D Brinkley/K Piorkowski |
3 | Rsolo Carosel Aguilo Lady Of The Night CGC TKN C Rivera/C Petruzzo/F Aguilo |
4 | Jager’s Leather And Lace C Lane-Smith/P Croley |
Bred-by-Exhibitor Adult AOAC | |
1 | Mariahs Harpers Ferry Chezd M Bigham |
2 | Crosswind’s We Ride At Dawn D Wedderman/C Hanisak |
3 | Namaste’s Hot Smoke And Sasafrass J Field-Miller |
4 | Jaimand’s Got It Flaunt It M Dietzler Bondy |
American Bred BLK | |
1 | Crosswind’s Dawn Follows Darkness CGC TKI A Lang/C Hanisak/B Purswell |
2 | Zane’s As Time Goes By At Miravia SWN L Smith |
3 | Kalora’s Financial Portfolio J Dupre/L Hunnicutt/E Corr |
4 | Rok’N Here I Go Again BCAT CGC TKN R Kelsey/S Fait |
American Bred AOAC | |
1 | Crosswind’s Delta Dawn RA BCAT CGC TKI H Milam/C Hanisak |
2 | Supernova Rainbow Popcorn At Baystar E Palsat/L Palsat |
3 | Sizzlin’ I Am The Perfect Storm M Rouanzoin/K Crider |
Amateur Owner Handler BLK | |
1 | Jalyn The Girl From Ipanema TKN VHMA C Berg/N Brown |
2 | Arket’s Diamond Select TKA V Schabert/K Turner/A Turner |
Open | |
1 | Midnightsky’s Cinder Danandre D Rockburn/D De Paoli/F Perron |
2 | Old Drum’s Silence Is Golden V Abendrot K Howard/K Freeman/J Dupre |
3 | Muellers Time Of The Season K Keller/R Miller |
4 | Mariah’s Whoz Apple Blossom Mi Casa Z Chen |
Open AOAC | |
1 | Seraphin’s Red Bird Watching Over Alisaton C DeMilta-Shimpeno/G DeMilta/J Warych/F Rogers/M Hill/D Schmitt |
2 | Protea’s Rain Song R Kemmitzer/H Driscoll |
3 | Fandola’s Choya |
4 | Wingate’s Katharine Hepburn RN BCAT CGC B Primacio |
Non-Reg Veteran, Dogs | |
Non-Reg Veteran VET7TO9 | |
1 | GCHB CH Abendrot’s Red, White And Boom K Howard/K Howard/J Dupre |
2 | GCH CH A’Monde’s Andre Courreges S Hohenberg/J Hohenberg |
3 | GCHP CH RACH Pengwen’s Southernwind Trojan War Triumph CDX GN GO RM3 RAE2 OA NAJ OF CGCA TKI K Backues |
4 | GCHS CH Foxfire’s Super Samurai CA BCAT CGC TKN ATT B Grossman/P Grossman/M Santana |
Non-Reg Veteran VET9TO11 | |
1 | GCHP2 CH Fidelis Ripcord BN RI CGC C Mitchell/E Gould/C Austin |
2 | GCHP CH Foxfire’s Alltimate Wanna Be D Mackenzie/K Mac Kenzie |
3 | GCHP CH Cadillac Cocoa Butter Kisses RN FDC CAA DCAT RATN CGCA CGCU TKP J Field-Miller |
Non-Reg Veteran, Bitches | |
Non-Reg Veteran VET7TO9 | |
1 | GCHG CH Rendition’s Diamonds Are Forever SWE SCM SIM SBM CGC TKN K Taylor/L Taylor |
2 | GCHB CH Wirri Wirri Walk All Over You CD WAC CGC E Tate/N Tate |
3 | GCH CH Lyndobe’s I’M Here For The Party CDX BN GO RE SWAE SWE SCEE SIEE SEEE SCM SEM SBM CGCA CGCU TKA J Furlong/W Furlong |
4 | Via Felicium Baltia CD BN RE BCAT CGCA CGCU TKA H Driscoll/J DRISCOLL |
Non-Reg Veteran VET9TO11 | |
1 | GCHB CH Abadie’s Hearts Afire CGC B Lankford |
2 | GCH CH Foxfire N Electron’s No Easy Access CD BN RE MX MXJ MJB AXP OJP OF CA RATCHX4 DJ CGC TKN T Markey/M Santana/T Ross/A Shook |
3 | GCH CH RACH Foxfire N Electron’s Violets Bloom Easy In Snow CD RM5 RAE3 FDC OA OAJ AXP AJP NFP CA RATN DSX2 AS CGCU TKA C Dixon/T Markey/A Dixon |
4 | CH Irongate’s Lil’ Bit Of Blarney BN RA OA OAJ CAA WAC RATO CGC J Parker/M Parker/E Auch |
Non-Reg Veteran VET11 | |
1 | CH Carosel Just Like A Woman WAC CGC E Glofka/L Glofka |