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Help Me Old Friend, I've Lost My Dignity

by Ms Dany Canino

One of the most difficult things any pet owner has to face is the loss of a beloved pet. Whether this loss was because of an accident or simply old age, the void that is felt by the human companion is still devastating.

Another emotion that is felt by the pet owner that is even stronger is when the owner has to make the decision as to when it´s time to put the family pet to sleep. To have to decide whether it would be kinder to have the dog humanly euthanized or wait until life itself is drained out of the pet is not a simple decision to make.

Part of the reason why we experience an emotional tug of war with this responsibility is that, in doing so, in making this choice, we are playing God.

Pet owners have a problem of separating the family pet from human form. By that I mean, when a pet has been in your family for one year or better, emotionally this is no longer a pet to all that live with it. It is now an integral part of the family. So, when time has caught up with our “family friend” we feel we need to hang on to it as long as we can. No one wants to loose a trusted member of the family.

Perhaps it would help to know what happens in the wilds among animals. An evolving process takes place in the animal kingdom throughout the animal´s lifetime. Every animal of the same species instinctively looks out after each other. Dogs are by instinct pack animals. Whether they are in the wilds or in a domesticated situation, they still think like a pack animal. In the wilds all animals would share some responsibility for the young and for the aging animal. With the young they guard them from predators and teach them how to survive and search for food and, they even teach them how to fight and defend themselves. As the animal ages it´s now up to the younger ones to watch out for and care for them. When the elder animal gets to a point that they appear weak of mind and body all of the healthy animals sense that this elder animal could not defend itself, secure food, or do any of the things that at one time made it purposeful. In a sense, this animal would be loosing its dignity. As the animal became more and more helpless the pack would know it was time to decide this aging animal´s quality of life. Through the pack leaders guidance they would all know that it was time to end this animal´s life.

They would all know that it was their responsibility to see to this before the elder animal suffered any more, or before some predator attacked it in its weakened state. The elder animal would have come to expect (and respect) this natural chain of events to occur as (they) probably were in a position at some time or another to help another aging animal. None of the animals would feel shame, hurt, or guilt for this action. They would all join in on this natural euthanasia process. They would collectively kill the elder dog. Then they might bury this animal or at least form a circle around the dead animal and urinate around it to mark this as their territory so no other animal would touch it.

We pet owning humans represent the pack order to our dogs. They look to us as being a part of a pack.

When an animal looses its dignity they loose their sense of purpose. They also loose their sense of self worth. We´ve all witnessed something that should make this clear to us. Try to remember a time when you´ve seen a dog go to a groomer and get all “prettied up”. That dog steps a little livelier and wags his tail a bit more. Now try to remember the dog that went to the groomer and got all of his hair shaved off (down to the skin) because his owner thought he´d be more comfortable. This dog walks with his head slightly downed and unless he´s being directly addressed, his tail doesn´t wag as happily as it used to.

He has lost his sense of dignity. Now, he will regain this dignity when his hair grows back. But unfortunately being able to regain dignity is not the case of the elderly, sickly dog.

We must remember how this dog used to run outside to go to the bathroom. He ran to the door to let us know that someone was there. He looked forward to going to the park to chase the ball or squirrels. He once experienced a quality of life. I´m not referring to the dog that has simply gotten older and is less active than he used to be. I´m referring to the dog that has lost interest in almost everything. He´s ashamed that he accidentally goes to the bathroom in the house. He´s sorry he can no longer hear that someone is at the front door. He sometimes has a sense memory of a time at the park, but he´s just not interested in doing that anymore.

Perhaps your Veterinarian has told you that it´s time for you to start considering the right time to let your pet go. You tell the Vet that you just couldn´t do that. What most pet owners don´t realize is that (they) are unable to let go because they feel a need to keep the pet alive as long as they can. They don´t really know that they are trying to stretch out this dog´s life for themselves. It is oftentimes a selfish reason to keep this animal alive, not because the dog is asking to stay alive. Your Vet is wise and can sense this from your animal. Another reason we may have difficulty in facing this decision is that it makes us have to face our own mortality. We really know that we can´t live on forever, but when our pets have to die after having lived with us for only ten years or so, it certainly makes us face the fact that we aren’t as infinite as we had hoped.

And so, since we promise to take care of our pets from the minute we take them in as a part of our family, we need to watch for the signs from our pet that says, “…help me old friend, I´ve lost my dignity”. You should always feel comfortable to talk with your Veterinarian. Next to you, he´s your dog´s best friend. No doctor is going to nonchalantly advocate putting your pet to sleep. However, if your dog´s doctor says that putting your pet to sleep would save your pet many months or even days of pain, then it´s time.

I´ve had many people ask if they should stay with their pet when the time comes for the doctor to put the pet to rest. This is difficult to answer, as each person´s emotional makeup is different. I usually suggest that you ask the doctor to give you and your family a few moments to all say your good-byes. Don´t drag this time out, as this will not help you or your pet. A dignified and sincere goodbye is appropriate. Then leave the pet with the doctor and go home. However, if you wish to stay with your pet until he falls into a quiet peaceful sleep, tell the doctor this. The doctor will let you know when your pet has passed on.

The next unnecessary guilt we need to let go of is the arrangements for the pet after it has been put to sleep. Some people are in a comfortable financial position to have their pet buried at a pet cemetery or to have the pet cremated. However, many pet owners cannot afford this and if that´s the case, should not feel guilty. Your pet never governed his love for you because of what you could or could not afford. Your pet loved you because you were kind and loving to him. Don´t feel bad about having the Vet´s office make all the necessary arrangements. You could make up a memorial album of your pet as a remembrance. You could even have a small memorial service inviting people that had a relationship with the pet, to share any experiences they remember. Let them sign the memorial book.

One of the best suggestions I can give a pet owner whose pet is starting to show signs of old age is to get another pet. You´d be amazed at how this helps the aging pet. Also, by bringing in another dog into the household the void doesn´t seem as strong when the elder pet goes.< /p>

As someone who has experienced this decision many times, I feel I can really relate to the pain you are going through. It is different if your pet is suffering from cancer or some inoperable injury that causes great pain on a daily basis. I would certainly hope that any pet owner would not allow their animal to suffer for their own selfish reasons. This article is written more so about the pet that has gotten so old that his quality of life is rapidly leaving him.

I´ve always maintained that owning a pet is a very big responsibility. This responsibility oftentimes makes you have to play the role of God. However, we should never make ourselves feel guilty about this role. Most pet owners don´t take that responsibility lightly. I´ve never found a pet owner that wouldn´t hock anything they had in order to afford a chance to save their pet. So when the time comes to make this decision, do it. Do it with the same dignity that you always loved in your pet.

This pet gave you unconditional love, respect, and devotion. This pet filled your life with memories that will stay with you forever and, a part of this pet will be with you forever. “What can no longer be seen by your eyes will forever be seen by your heart.”

Future Of Dogs

written by Walt Hutchens and submitted by Marj Brooks & Beca Zaun


  • Introduction

  • What is animal rights and why should we care?

  • The importance of home breeding of dogs

  • Introducing HSUS

  • The future of dogs

  • How animal rights laws work

  • Sources and Resources


America today is rushing toward dramatic changes in the way we breed and keep animals. These changes are already beginning and the laws that will make them continue go far beyond the changes we can see.

All species and all animal uses, from deer in our woods and fields, to rats in our scientific labs, to animals farmed for meat and milk, to the pet dog or cat in our living rooms are being affected. These effects will increase in the future.

The picture is vast and complicated; we will focus on the effects on pet dogs. We will emphasize what is happening and how it is being done.

Why is more difficult to understand but the basic reason is that a very few Americans – no more than a thousand – want these changes. They break them down into small chunks that sound good and sell them one chunk at a time to good-hearted, often busy, people. But the chunks are put together to make something that none of us would ever have approved.

“People need homes. Please donate to buy a brick.” Then they use the bricks to build a prison.

The `animal rights’ movement is essentially a fruitcake religion. It will not be stopped short of an expensive and nearly irreversible disaster unless most Americans come to understand that the bricks they buy today with contributions to Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), and many smaller organizations will be used to build a prison, and stop sending those checks.

In the short term, all of us (but lawmakers especially) must become extremely skeptical of new laws that claim to ‘protect animals.’ America has had basic animal protection laws for more than fifty years; some go back over a century. These laws need better enforcement in some parts of the country but there are very few new laws that will make animal or human lives better, rather than simply making ownership and breeding more difficult and less likely to succeed.

The three long essays in this booklet – What Is Animal Rights?, Introducing HSUS, and The Future Of Dogs In America – were written over the last two years; they were extensively revised at the beginning of December, 2006. The Importance of Home Breeding of Dogs and How Animal Rights Laws Work were written specifically for this publication.

It’s frightening how much ground we’ve lost just in the last two years. We can still win – that is, keep our rights to own and responsibly use pets and other animals – but we must not delay or falter.

I hope this booklet helps.

Walt Hutchens Timbreblue Whippets December, 2006

WHAT IS ANIMAL RIGHTS – and why should we care?

Imagine that a few people think we humans just aren’t good enough to own or use animals. In fact they’re so convinced of this that they have formed large organizations that work tirelessly around the clock and around the world to eliminate animal farming, eating of meat, use of animals in research, hunting, circuses, zoos, and yes, owning animals as pets.

This isn’t just a bad dream – it’s real. These people are called the `animal rights’ (AR) movement. While there probably aren’t more than a thousand people in the U.S. who accept the whole idea – that humans should be completely separated from our animals even if that means that many species become extinct – they are supported by many more who back important parts of the movement’s ideas.

Many supporters believe that eating meat is wrong. Others think that medical research using animals is unnecessary and cruel. Yet others believe most pet owners are irresponsible.

It is those people – the ones who are deeply committed to their own small parts of animal rights – who are the foot soldiers, carrying the movement forward.

Fewer than a thousand run the AR corporations, make the plans, draft the laws, organize the conferences, deliver the speeches, and do the on-the-floor lobbying. Tens of thousands back laws in narrow areas: animal rescuers may support anti-tethering laws to `stop irresponsible owners’, misguided home breeders back anything labelled as fighting `puppy mills,’ and animal shelters support close regulation of pet breeders and rescuers.

And behind the tens of thousands are millions of Americans who just want to help animals and who, without understanding how their money will actually be used, mail checks to pay for all of the above.

This is America: It is our right to believe whatever we want and to try to convince others of what we believe. However the AR movement goes beyond that. The biggest

thing they do is pass laws that make animal use, breeding, and ownership steadily harder and more costly.

This happens in several steps:

1. They invent problems or magnify small ones. The real problems generally are much less than the good that comes from the same activity but we are only told about the problems.

“Pet breeders are just exploiting animals for money” – although if there were no breeders there would be no pets, and it’s almost impossible to make money if you breed as a hobby. And, anyway, what’s wrong with making money? “Hunting is cruel and unnecessary” – never mind that for many species hunting is a main way of controlling populations of animals for which there are no longer enough natural predators to prevent starvation, disease, attacks on humans and pets, collisions with our automobiles, and so on.

“`Pet overpopulation’ leads to the tragedy of euthanasia” – although the animal shelter euthanasia rate has been falling steadily for decades, is now only 10-15% of what it was 30 years ago, and a growing number of areas have a shortage of dogs. “Animals are dangerous and cause human health problems” – though most of us have pets, serious problems are rare, and study after study shows that pet owners are happier, have lower stress levels, and may live longer than other people.

“Animal farming is cruelty” – though cruelty is already illegal and the practices being attacked are ancient and often inspected and specifically approved by the government.

The attack will always fall where most people will say “Oh – that’s not something I do” or “That’s not important.” Only 7% of the population hunts, something like 2% farms, and much less than 1% breeds dogs at home. Because many important animal practices are unfamiliar to most of us, we may not see what’s wrong with these AR campaigns.

2. The animal rightists batter public officials to solve the problems they’ve announced. Although they are a small minority, they never stop complaining.

s Angeles, for example, is on its fourth well qualified animal control director in five years. Why? Because no director delivered the `no kill’ shelter the ARs demand – an unattainable goal for a properly run municipal shelter in a large city. The shelter’s statistics are not bad and they are improving but that’s not good enough.

3. When officials say “Okay, tell us what to do,” the ARs are there with examples of laws passed in other places. They cite misleading or phoney statistics, even outright lies about the success of the law and if pressed on the issue, simply repeat their views.

For example when they’re proclaiming “horrible pet overpopulation” they promote laws requiring all pets to be spayed or neutered and requirements for hobby breeders to get expensive licenses and permits. “This law was a big success in San Mateo,” they say.

If you tell them “This law did not work in San Mateo County” they say “This law was a big success in San Mateo.”

If you answer “But the shelter euthanasia numbers went up, and licensing went down in San Mateo” they say “This law was a big success in San Mateo.”

Surprisingly, when the subject is unfamiliar, the bigger the lie, the more likely people are to believe it. This `big lie’ tactic isn’t often encountered by lawmakers and since doing independent research is time-consuming, they often end by accepting the lies.

4. Since the new laws never solve the `problem,’ the ARs seek greater punishments and still more laws to help enforce the old ones, such as a requirement for all pets to be microchipped with the numbers in a government database. They talk only of the good effects – “This will help more lost pets get home” — although the real purpose is to catch people who are violating their other laws.

They can nearly always find important organizations that will support the proposal because (for example) “Veterinarians can’t be against a law that just improves enforcement of something that’s already the law.”

5. As one law begins to spread, a new `problem’ is identified and the next step begins – go back to #1, above.

These days the animal rights movement mostly keep quiet about its true goals. But in earlier times they were utterly frank. Here are some quotes from leaders of the movement:

Ingrid Newkirk, president and co-founder of PETA: “I am not a morose person, but I would rather not be here. I don’t have any reverence for life, only for the entities themselves. I would rather see a blank space where I am. This will sound like fruitcake stuff again but at least I wouldn’t be harming anything.”

Michael W. Fox, Scientific Director and former Vice President of HSUS: “Man is the most dangerous, destructive, selfish, and unethical animal on earth.”

“Les U. Knight” (pseudonym), “Voluntary Human Extinction,” Wild Earth, Vol. 1, No. 2 “If you haven’t given voluntary human extinction much thought before, the idea of a world with no people in it may seem strange. But, if you give it a chance, I think you might agree that the extinction of Homo sapiens would mean survival for millions, if not billions, of Earth-dwelling species … Phasing out the human race will solve every problem on earth, social and environmental.”

Wayne Pacelle, President of HSUS: “One generation and out. We have no problem with the extinction of domestic animals. They are creations of human selective breeding.”

This is sick stuff: The truth is that animal rights is mental illness masquerading as philosophy.

There are no longer any nationally known organizations that just want good care for animals. From 1980-on, they were all taken over by animal rights zealots who continue to operate them under the “animal welfare” label but actually promote the end of human use of animals.

Today, HSUS, PETA, the ASPCA and dozens of less familiar organizations spend about $200 million a year sent by people who want to help animals, working against animal ownership.

Never give money to any of these organizations!

If you want to give to help animals, give directly to your local animal shelter: they use contributions to provide real care, and they nearly always need more than they get.

What’s going on is a quiet, mostly non-violent war for the future of America. The major battles are just starting: they will be fought and won by one side or the other over the next five years. For example, between the end of 2005 and mid-2006, Long Beach California, Los Angeles County, and Albuquerque, New Mexico all passed new laws making it much more difficult to own and breed pets. Each of these new laws was in turn the worst ever seen in the U.S. and we are likely to see yet worse in the months ahead, particularly in Southern California.

If those who believe that humans and animals belong together don’t turn the tide, then 20 years from now our country will have fewer good pets and will be less happy and less prosperous than it is today. None of us asked for this war, but if we do not fight and win, the losses won’t be undone in a century.


American dogs come from four main sources. Half or a bit less are accidental breedings. Except in farther out rural areas, these dogs are no longer in surplus and they are the main source of low cost puppies. The remaining half is divided roughly equally between farm based commercial breeding, home breeding, and ‘other’ – a growing volume of imports, police, and other specialized programs.

Of all four-legged wild animals, wolves are the most like humans in their social arrangements. They live in extended family groups, must work in teams in order to survive, are ‘wired’ to follow orders from a leader, and when times are good, the young set out on their own to start new family groups.

In domesticating the dog, man tapped those similarities and a number of practical talents to produce not only a valuable helpmate but a wonderful companion. Even today when our meat comes in a plastic package and electricity turns our roasting spits, 44% of American homes have dogs and most owners can hardly imagine life without one.

As with humans, much of what a dog becomes depends on the care taken with his early health and training.

Commercially bred dogs are whelped and raised as livestock, then sold to owners who begin helping them fit in to a human family eight weeks or so from the start. Most of these dogs do become satisfactory pets, however, those of us who have known many dogs believe that the best pet dogs are whelped and raised within a human family, handled and cared for as family members from the first hour. This way, each lesson can be started as it is needed, and the step from the breeder’s family to a lifetime owner is small – a change of names, faces and style, but nothing like going from ‘livestock’ to ‘pet’ status after some wrong lessons have already been learned.

Personalities develop early; the home breeder knows them all and can match the two-fisted active tomboy with a human family that wants that type and the quiet “I just love you” pup with a soulmate.

Home breeding can be a hobby into which you pour more money than you can ever hope to get back. Hobbyists often compete to produce the best possible dogs; while there are many i
deas of what ‘best’ means, they all involve top quality breeding stock, health testing, preventative vet work and sometimes treatment, and huge amounts of time. Competition sets a limit on prices: If you do the accounting carefully it is almost impossible to make money breeding as a hobby.

The money goes out year-round for maintenance of breeding stock, it goes even faster as you prepare for and do the breeding and when the puppies are whelped. It continues to flow with vet work done to get them ready for new homes. Then a few thousand dollars comes in as the puppies are sold.

Deduct some for breedings that produce no puppies, more for those that require expensive vet care, and a bit more for a puppy that is returned at a net cost to you – it happens to all breeders. Divide that money by the number of hours work needed to produce and sell that litter plus a few extra hours helping the new owners by phone and email to calculate your hourly wage.

In a few years when you sell your home you can take the cost of repairing the damage done by generations of breeding stock and completely untrained puppies and spread it over all your hours. If you have anything at all left, you’re doing better than 99% of the home hobby breeders we know.

By trimming the most expensive inputs, it is possible to convert hobby breeding to a small scale home `extra money’ business. These dogs may not get everything they would from a good hobby breeder, but they are often excellent pets.

Home breeding has another significance: It is where purebred dogs come from. Because home breeding must be small-scale, individual dogs are rarely bred over a few times; often just once. Home breeders, moreover, are the keepers of what the breed ‘is’: Should a Pomeranian weigh 40 pounds? Should a whippet be built like a pig? Should a collie chase and kill small animals or try to bite a stranger?

These questions and thousands of others are answered in a ‘breed standard’ kept by the clubs for each breed and expanded in the hearts of the home breeders of that breed. Large commercial breeders may use purebred stock, but they make little effort to breed according to the standard.

Mixed breeds offer a never-twice-the-same variety that appeals to many people but the down side is that your puppy might not grow up to be a dog you can live with. Carefully bred purebreds often make better sense for busy families, especially those with young children. Most hobby and many other home breeders offer lifetime help if you have problems and have a lifetime `take back’ guarantee if you can’t keep your dog. These policies benefit the public.

One of the most important cost saving measures for commercial breeders is using the same breeding stock as much as possible. This is the reverse of the policy of the usual hobby breeder and because home breeders are small-scale, hard to do for even the for-profit home breeder. The deepest significance of home breeding is that it is the main storehouse from which the genes that produce each breed are drawn, generation by generation. Home breeders keep and use to produce the next generation perhaps ten times the genetic material as an average large commercial breeder, thus preserving the genetic diversity needed to keep our breeds alive.

Because hobby breeders and nearly all other home breeders care about their pups as individuals, we must cast a wide public net in order to find them homes. When laws are passed that make home breeding illegal we are easily found and eliminated.

The one sentence picture of the future of dogs in America is this:

On the present lawmaking road, home breeding of dogs is about to be wiped out in our country and as this occurs, purebred dogs will all but disappear.

Other essays in this booklet will discuss the trends and forces that could make this happen and describe the situation that will result.


HSUS is the ‘Humane Society of the United States.’ It is supported mainly by small donations from millions of Americans because it has been almost 100% successful at selling itself as ‘for the animals.’ However, it’s more accurately thought of as a business that provides the animal rights movement with the service of squeezing rights to use animals, than as an organization that helps animals.

HSUS is not connected with any animal shelters or direct animal welfare activities. Of top 12 HSUS Animal Stories of 2005 (grey wolves, abused tigers, pet cloning, Internet hunting, dove hunts, animal fighting, seal hunts, laying hens, trophy hunting, the HSUS-Fund For Animals merger, Katrina relief and horse slaughter), only hurricane relief had to do with helping Fido or Fluffy as promoted in their materials.

HSUS is devoted to making animal use (including pet ownership) steadily more difficult and expensive. Its main actions divide into: (a) Promoting laws to restrict use/ownership, (b) propaganda in support of such laws, and (c) fundraising/self-promotional actions. You will look in vain for an HSUS action that makes animal use or pet ownership easier, more common, more fun, or more successful.

Specific campaigns include anti-hunting, anti-meat farming and meat eating (the organization’s headquarters forbids animal products), anti-pet breeding (it was the chief promoter of the so-called ‘Pet Animal Welfare Statute’ or PAWS), anti-circus/rodeo, and anti-animal use medical and other research.

HSUS has a net worth of over $200 million and (since the recent mergers with the Fund For Animals and the Doris Day Animal League) an annual budget approaching $80 million. Its money goes to fund many sorts of anti-animal use campaigns, to excellent executive salaries, and to very high (~53% of gross) fundraising expenses.

HSUS is in the process of expanding its litigation capabilities. In 2005 it announced a new “Animal Protection Litigation Section,” dedicated to “the process of researching, preparing, and prosecuting animal protection lawsuits in state and federal court.” During 2006, there has been a steady replacement of `helping animals’ statements on the web sites and in publications with `protecting animals,’ as the organization continues to shift toward passing and enforcing laws.

HSUS has legal control over dozens of other corporations. It has effective control over state level affiliates in about half the states which it uses to carry out no-fingerprints lobbying on state measures: aside from PAWS these state groups are the main route for anti-breeding laws. It has affiliates of one sort or another in many foreign countries. A few quotes

When he became president of HSUS (2004) Wayne Pacelle described some of his goals for The Washington Post: “We will see the end of wild animals in circus acts … [and we’re] phasing out animals used in research. Hunting? I think you will see a steady decline in numbers.”

“We are going to use the ballot box and the democratic process to stop all hunting in the United States … We will take it species by species until all hunting is stopped in California. Then we will take it state by state.” Wayne Pacelle, October 1, 1990.

Shortly after Pacelle joined HSUS in 1994, he told Animal People (an inside- the-movement watchdog newspaper) that his goal was to build “a National Rifle Association of the animal rights movement.”

“My goal is the abolition of all animal agriculture.” J.P. Goodwin, recently Director of Grassroots Outreach with HSUS. Formerly with
the Animal Liberation Front, Mr Goodwin has a lengthy arrest record and a history of promoting arson to accomplish animal liberation. This quote appeared on AR-Views, an animal rights Internet discussion group in 1996.

“The entire animal rights movement in the United States [views the act of the British parliament banning hunting with dogs] as one of the most important actions in the history of the animal rights movement. This will energize our efforts to stop hunting with hounds.” Wayne Pacelle, now CEO, HSUS, London Times, December 26, 2004

HSUS actions (undertaken mostly with money sent in “to help abandoned pets” and “stop cruelty”)

Passed an amendment to the Florida constitution banning (on grounds of cruelty) the use of farrowing pens which prevent the sow from rolling on and crushing piglets. They paid expenses for out-of-state volunteers to collect the necessary signatures to put the measure on the ballot and spent heavily on supporting media. There were at the time only two hog farms in the state, so there were very few people to fight back. While HSUS crows about their success against a “cruel practice,” how many piglets will die when their mothers lie down on them?

Passed a similar measure (November, 2006 elections) in Arizona, together with expensive restrictions on raising veal, both little practiced in the state. Attacking accepted animal practices in places where they’re almost unknown establishes precedents that will be used to support attacks in other places.

Passed a ban on production of fois gras in California which had one farm. The same has since been attempted in Hawaii, Oregon, and Washington state but failed in all three. Based on other such campaigns, those bills will be back every year or two until they pass.

Currently suing Ringling Bros. circus alleging cruelty to elephants, a violation of the Endangered Species Act.

Suing New Jersey Department of Agriculture to overturn regulations defining common intensive farming practices as “humane.” Stopped (with a lawsuit) the state’s planned 2006 bear hunting season, needed to control numbers.

Attempted to ban hunting of bears with bait and with the use of dogs in Maine. The referendum effort failed by a narrow margin.

HSUS was the chief force behind PAWS. Its state level ‘no fingerprints’ affiliates are pushing comprehensive breeder licensing bills in several states each year.

In most of these actions and dozens of others each year, HSUS attacks as ‘cruelty’ accepted practices which are unfamiliar to most people, in places where they’re least familiar and/or of little importance.

Another common approach is the one used for PAWS: use of rare horrible examples to suggest the existence of a widespread problem requiring restrictive legislation.

The animal rights effort to end animal use in our country including the breeding and ownership of pets will not be contained unless we:

Unite to oppose nearly all HSUS actions, and Expose HSUS for the fraud that it is. When the money from people who believe their $25 checks actually help animals dries up, it is over. Until then we will continue to lose the war for our rights and our animals.


What if the animal rights movement wins?

What does the future hold for U.S. dogs? We’d like to think that pets will be healthier and happier, that more dogs will come from the best breeders and fewer from the

others, and that laws will punish the real offenders but not discourage good ownership and breeding. Is that where we’re going, or is the future darker?

We will try to predict the future, looking twenty years ahead to what dog ownership and breeding might look like in 2026 if the animal rights (AR) movement continues to win. This will not be fun but it may be useful: If what we see in the future is bad enough, maybe we can do more today to avoid going there.

We will assume that current trends will continue. If you assume that trends get worse – for example, that money is found for muscular enforcement of bad laws – you get a worse picture, while if owners and breeders become concerned about the loss of their rights at a rapidly increasing rate, someone very wealthy decides to help defend our rights to keep and breed pets, or the AKC suddenly gets new and wise leadership, things will be much better.

Trying to predict the future can help us take control. I hope this will be taken in that spirit. What are the trends today?

In 2006, a few good things are happening. More animal lovers are learning that there is a serious problem and starting to work against it. We are winning a greater fraction of the lawmaking battles than was true even three years ago and some lawmakers are catching on to the goals of the animal rights movement. The Center for Consumer Freedom provides very useful anti-AR public education, The Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council (PIJAC), and the NRA make small but significant contributions. Several other organizations – The Sportsmen and Animal Owners Voting Alliance (SAOVA), the National Animal Interest Alliance (NAIA), and the Cat Fanciers Association (CFA) – also play roles. The new company ‘My Dog Votes’ may help in spreading the word. There are more and better blogs on our side. There are several lawsuits trying to overturn some of the worst laws: some of these may succeed. Laws against animal-related terrorism are improving and we can expect strong enforcement.

The Pet Animal Welfare Statute (PAWS, S. 1139 and H.R. 2669) would have extended federal Animal Welfare Act rules to retail-only breeders who are currently exempt, thus forcing a year-by-year defense of the six litter/25 puppy exemptions to protect home breeding. PAWS died with the 109th Congress and the sponsor, Senator Rick Santorum, was defeated in the 2006 elections.

However, there are also some very bad things going on. By far the most important trend today is the increasing overall power of the animal rights movement. As of 2006 there’s no question that the AR movement is winning, steadily taking away our rights to own and breed pet animals.

The most obvious of the AR trends is the number of cities and counties that are passing anti-pet laws. Southern California is passing mandatory spay/neuter (MSN) laws with

complicated and expensive breeder licensing provisions in one county after another. Albuquerque, New Mexico’s ‘HEART’ ordinance is even worse – it includes not just MSN and breeder licenses but also close regulation of dog ownership and all forms of pet animal business. In some of these areas there have been efforts to fight back to undo the bad laws but none have been successful yet.

I believe California and New Mexico will pass MSN with some form of breeder licensing at the state level within a few years.

Pet guardianship replaces the rights (and full responsibility) that go with ownership with a government-granted privilege. The idea is just starting to edge its way into laws, most often by substituting ‘owner/guardian’ for ‘owner’ (as the state of Rhode Island has done) and accompanied by assurances that “We think this will help people be more responsible for pets.”

However guardianship is a familiar concept elsewhere in law. When a nosy neighbor points out that your dog is limping, is a bit plump or isn’t neutered, an owner can smile sweetly and say “Thank you.” A guardian is subject
to direct government supervision and because possession is a government granted privilege, the government has the power. As usage spreads and legal battles necessary to pin down the meaning of “guardian” for pets are fought, costs and risks of having a pet will go up.

Rhode Island also has passed mandatory spay/neuter (MSN) with no exceptions for cats, meaning that the lawful breeding of cats is over there. This will do nothing to reduce the number of cats, but will eliminate any possibility of sales of purebred cats helping to stem the tide of at-large ‘outside’ and feral cats breeding on their own, as America has done with dogs over the last half-century. I expect restrictions on dog breeding in Rhode Island within a few years.

Pennsylvania’s Governor Rendell is in the pocket of hard core AR interests and is pushing rules and enforcement changes there that would eliminate home breeding within a few years.

Georgia has statewide breeder licensing; North Carolina and Virginia both have ambiguous state laws that are being interpreted by counties as allowing licensing.

These are only a few examples of increasingly restrictive state and local lawmaking trends; there are many others.

It’s nearly certain that a new PAWS bill will be introduced next year. With Congress having been taken over by Democrats we will lose some valuable allies in stopping the new bill. The so-named Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) has a political action committee, The Humane Society Legislative Fund (HSLF), that is channeling large amounts of money to animal-rights oriented lawmakers and they’re doing well at electing their favorites and taking out some of our supporters.

The American Kennel Club (AKC) is the only large well-known organization supporting the keeping of dogs. Unfortunately the AKC is almost completely unaware of the AR threat to purebred dogs and the AKC’s existence – they were one of the main backers of PAWS. Chances of the needed ‘extreme makeover’ in AKC leadership are small to none.

Most of the current AR mischief comes from just a few very-well funded organizations – HSUS, PETA, and others that are less well known – but the ‘Best Friends Animal Shelter’ is now turning to promoting breed specific dangerous dog laws that could eliminate some breeds and we can expect growing trouble on that front.

A combination of ignorance, laziness, and animal rights orientation on the part of animal control and other public officials is putting limits of three or four pets into even tiny and far out rural places, one after another.

An additional factor is suburban sprawl: city dwellers and close-in suburbanites follow the interstate highways to newly developed farmland, but are offended by all those animals. So they pressure county councils to enact limits: While farmers generally can defend themselves, home breeders of dogs, cannot.

Because you must keep animals from each generation for possible future breeding, good pet breeding is a multi-year project: You cannot have a sound program within a four-pet limit. When a kennel license allowing more is offered, a single opposing neighbor may be able to keep you from getting it, it generally comes with ‘any reasonable time’ inspections of your home, and you may be required to get a business license that will bring another group of laws into play.

For most people, if an in-home hobby of perhaps twenty years can be inspected by a high school graduate with no felony convictions, a clipboard, a day or less of training in animal husbandry and perhaps an AR chip on his shoulder who may bring disease from another kennel he visited that morning, it isn’t a hobby anymore.

Other requirements – one current bill would require a written record every time every animal is fed – will complete the conversion of a hobby (something you do for satisfaction and fun) to a money-losing business. How many home breeders will continue?

Except for the large animal vets, most veterinarians and most vet organizations remain clueless about animal rights. The Virginia Veterinary Medical Association’s position on our state’s worst bill last year (requiring rabies vaccinations to be reported for dog licensing purposes) was “We can’t oppose a law that just enforces another law.” That bill passed by a hair. At the national level, the AVMA stopped short of a decision to form an alliance with HSUS but continues to support the first steps toward national mandatory microchipping of all pets.

As I write this, the ‘Coalition To Reunite Pets and Families’ made up of HSUS, the National Animal Control Association, and several other organizations that would like to see close regulation of pets or expect to profit from mandatory microchipping are pushing hard for the U.S. Department of Agriculture to make a rule requiring Animal Welfare Act dealers (commercial breeders) to use European microchips instead of U.S. ones. The USDA too would like such a rule. The story is too long to tell here but this rule will put us firmly on the road to a law requiring all pets to be microchipped and registered in a government-accessible data base. A federal bill for that purpose is likely to be introduced around 2009.

The court interpretation of laws is likely to turn more strongly against us. The ARs effectively “own” about three dozen law schools and retired game show host Bob Barker is buying them a new one every few months. Five years from now, many new lawyers will have specialized in animal law and all of them will have come from AR-oriented programs. By 2026 many of those lawyers will be judges and some will be lawmakers.

The media prints anti-AR letters to the editor, just as they do stories of alien abductions, rants about taxes, and – you know – that CIA conspiracy to kill President Kennedy. Mainstream magazines such as Time and Dog Fancy are AR-leaning and articles on AR-related topics in other publications take the AR side: Other than an article in The Atlantic Monthly in the 1990’s I cannot think of an exception.

There are three books exposing the AR movement but all are seriously out of date; we are promised a revised edition of one of them for 2007.

With so few (and small) useful organizations on our side, much of the anti-AR work is being done with irregular forces – Internet email groups and other loose organizations – and the handful of larger kennel clubs and state federations of clubs that really do ‘get it.’

Significant awareness of the AR agenda among the general public is still well in the future. Even home breeders of dogs are only starting to understand. Creating awareness and the rest of what must be done to keep home breeding legal and pet ownership free of impossible restrictions are very slow going without a strong organization.

Where will these trends and forces take us in twenty years? Let’s …

Fast forward our time machine to 2026

Much of what follows may seem impossible if you’re not in the middle of the fight. However all of the laws needed to create the situation I’m about to describe have been seriously proposed and nearly all of them are in effect in some places: Current trends

give no reason to think they won’t spread. The rest is just predicting how people will react as that occurs.

The good news is that there are still pets in 2026. Not quite as many as twenty years ago, but most families that want a pet dog or cat do have one. However …

Only about one dog in three is
legal. Legal dogs come from large scale commercial breeders and importers plus a handful of wealthy individuals who still breed dogs as a hobby. Because of the many demands the law makes of breeders (expensive licenses and ‘puppy lemon’ laws, strict liability for attacks by their dogs, socialization requirements, broad and detailed kennel and husbandry standards), legal dogs are too costly for most people to own: upward from $5000 for a pet shop dog. A ‘sort of home bred’ purebred starts at $15,000; maybe a bit less for an imported animal. (All prices guessed in 2006 dollars.)

You can also get a legal dog at the animal shelter for about $2000; most of these are dogs that have been seized from illegal breeders or because they were illegally owned. Larger shelters either import in quality or – since shelters are exempt from the anti-breeding laws and husbandry standards – operate their own breeding programs.

Ownership of an intact dog requires a very expensive license, available only to licensed (usually commercial farm) breeders. All other legal dogs are sterilized. All are microchipped and tracked by the government from birth to a required vet-signed death certificate. The enforcement risks (what if your dog escapes, your ACO finds a bees’ nest in your yard and reports you for poor care, or your vet turns you in for missing a required routine checkup) add to the fear factor and the cost of owning a legal dog.

This is of course the future that the animal rights movement wanted for all dogs, on the way to completely eliminating pets. However, because Americans really do love dogs, the AR movement hasn’t been able to get strong enough enforcement of the laws creating this grim ‘legal’ pet status to make it even close to 100%. The other two out of every three dogs now, are illegal.

Most illegal dogs come from a vast cottage industry of “back in the woods” or “over there under the pile of boards behind the garage” very-small-scale illegal breeders. Who is this ‘puppy moonshine’ maker? Your neighbor, your aunt, or the guy who takes care of your car – and maybe all three.

Because demand for pets has remained high but most people can’t afford (or are afraid to own) a legal dog, even illegal puppies are expensive – a minimum of $1000 for a four-week old just-weaned pup with no shots, do your own worming. At these prices, people can make good money breeding a single litter a year, and they do, even though they don’t have the required licenses, comply with the kennel requirements, microchip their puppies, report names of new owners, or any of the rest. They are thus completely outside the law, subject to severe penalties if they get caught.

The good news is that these breeders are willing to take the risk in exchange for the added income, so middle class folks can still have dogs; the bad news is that most of them don’t know much about dogs or dog breeding.

In theory, enforcement could be tightened to almost completely choke off the illegal dogs, but efforts by HSUS and friends to get even stronger laws and more money for enforcement seem to have stalled. We pay billions in tax dollars a year for a war on drugs that is only somewhat effective but there is no chance that we’ll vote to spend that kind of money to stop illegal breeding, especially since most of us are getting our dogs from outside the legal pet system.

In fact even most animal shelters don’t want illegal breeding stopped. As was true in Los Angeles as early as 2005, illegal breeding has become a profitable cash crop for shelters nationwide. Every breeder bust yields perhaps $10,000 in shelter income for just a few hours work. Shelters seize and sell the dogs and they fine the breeder — but not too big a fine or too many of the illegal breeders, because that would kill the ‘crop.’

No trial is ever necessary because illegal breeders are happy to plead guilty to a neglect charge carrying a $1000 fine and sign over their animals, rather than face required jail time for an illegal breeding conviction.

Illegal dogs are nearly all mixes, although some do look like specific breeds and a few of the underground breeders claim that they use only purebred breeding animals. But no illegal dog comes with registration papers since registration requires enrollment in the government-accessible microchip data base.

It is still legal to breed dogs on residential property in most states but only people wealthy enough to be able to live in a properly zoned area, build a kennel that complies with commercial standards, and employ a kennelmaster to handle the licenses, paperwork, record keeping, and inspections do it as a hobby and only by importing nearly all their breeding animals. Naturally their puppies sell mostly to other wealthy folks.

With the end of practical middle class home breeding, came the end of most breeds of purebred dog in America. You cannot reduce the numbers in a breed below a certain level before the genetic diversity needed for litters to survive is lost, and in most breeds, most of the gene pool was in the hands of home breeders. Still more breeds were lost because the increase of inherited problems in adult dogs made many breeders give it up, even in the last places that allowed unlicensed and true home breeding.

There was talk of breeding purebreds in secret but the networks needed to preserve a breed when few people own more than two dogs are extremely risky. The majority of Americans see good quality purebreds only on TV.

Because of pet guardianship and very high values set by courts for a pet’s life, vet care is now several times as expensive as it was twenty years ago. The Pet Guardianship

Act of 2012 led to rapid increases in the cost of vet care which in turn caused many people to cut back.

HSUS then promoted and got passed the Healthy Pets Act of 2018 which required all owners to get certain basic care and required vets to report that care to the government. Failure to get the required care for your dog can mean fines of $1000 or more.

The HPA was the final event creating the split between legal and illegal dogs. Because vets are required to report illegal dogs, most of these animals get no care, although ‘see no evil’ vets are out there if you can afford them. There are only half as many vets as there were twenty years ago but they are making wonderful money.

The nastiest anti-pet laws of 2006 – breed specific laws requiring owners to turn in `pit bulls’ and sometimes other breeds for euthanasia, abusive seizures that ruined people’s lives, and the occasional felony cruelty conviction for a clean-kill of a nuisance dog – zapped perhaps a thousand people a year.

There was no violence by these victims. If told to give up Fido for euthanasia, people cried and did it. When Cleo Club-President was busted on a fake charge by an ACO who hated her guts, and got suspended, fined, and had her judge’s license canceled by the AKC, and was thrown out of her kennel club and dumped by lifelong friends, she plopped herself down on the couch and cried until she had gained 50 pounds. In 2006, pet owners crushed by animal control turned their pain inward.

Not any more. Enforcement of the much stronger laws of 2026 – nearly 40 breeds are banned now and seizure-enforced pet limits are universal – has hurt tens of thousands of people per year for over a decade. The predictable result has been that enforcement nails some owners who don’t take it well, and there has been some violence.

One day just before Chr
istmas in 2015 a shelter worker took the leash from the hand of a crying young woman, turned to take her dog back to the euthanasia area, and got a 12″ butcher knife in his back. Evidently the woman then took the leash away from him and walked out. None of the other four owners waiting in line was able to describe the killer and she was never caught.

In some parts of the country there are links between illegal breeding and organized crime. Just as happens with illegal drugs there has been violence associated with control of sales territories. Payoffs to law enforcement are common almost everywhere, often in the form of free puppies for an officer’s family.

A few shelters have been burned, animal control vehicles have been attacked, and there have been dozens of ‘liberations’ of seized dogs. A/C and shelters have beefed up security but there have been too many victims and there are too many targets; low-level violence of this kind seems to be permanent.

Retention of caring and qualified officers has become a serious problem in many areas, however those for whom the problems are simply more proof of the nastiness and irresponsibility of all pet owners mostly continue their mission of freeing pets from being part of human families.

For a time, snitches played a part in enforcing the laws but that largely ended after hundreds of cases of serious property damage (mostly burning of garages and automobiles), a number of thrashings and over a dozen killings. Even vets weren’t exempt: Here’s a joke that went the rounds on the ‘net in 2020:

“Know how to make your vet crazy?” “No, how?” “Take your dog to him for a rabies shot.”

(Since most dogs are illegal, you would be forcing the vet to choose between ignoring the law requiring reporting of illegal dogs, thus risking a $1000 fine, and the possibility of violence if he complies with the law, for a tiny fee.)

Very few of those cases have been solved. As with drug-related crime in urban areas, the list of suspects is often most of the people in the surrounding area and there are almost never any willing witnesses. After a time the police (whose pet dogs are, after all, nearly all illegal) simply gave up. ‘Let sleeping dogs lie’ (wink-wink) became the motto for most non-fatal pet-related violence.

The welfare of dogs is much worse than it was in 2006. While true overpopulation is completely gone (nobody ever turns in a puppy to a shelter) the poor breeding and socialization practices that are normal among illegal breeders mean that many puppy homes don’t succeed. The number of stray dogs has increased dramatically and nobody knows the extent of ‘shoot, shovel, and shut up’ occurring in rural areas.

However, most strays that make it to a shelter and nearly all owner surrender dogs must be euthanized as unfit pets and this adds to the incentive for shelters to seize, import, and breed dogs. With the loss of middle class home breeders there are no longer any breeders helping buyers with problems or taking their puppies back.

Human deaths from dog attacks averaged 12-15/year for decades. Since 2010, however, the number has increased as good breeding practices faded. 2026 will see about 35 Americans killed by man’s best friend.

Pet health too has gone downhill, due to the extreme inbreeding common among unskilled ‘moonshine’ breeders and the lack of vet care for most illegal dogs. Because of the very high costs, even legal dogs often get only the minimum care required by law.

Since its financial failure in 2012, the AKC has been effectively owned by HSUS. It is less than half the size of 2006, even though litter registrations now cost $950 (up from $25+$2/puppy in 2006) and individual registrations, $195 (up from $15/puppy) and the major focus is on activities for (legal) mixed breed and commercially bred dogs. The

number of purebred dog shows per year is a small fraction of the number in 2006, and entries are still declining as the cost of purebred dogs continues to rise.

HSUS isn’t doing very well either. Since the 1990’s HSUS’s business model has amounted to strip-mining the good will built up by the organization in earlier years when it was an animal welfare organization. From about 2000 on it still claimed that donations were needed to help animals but actually used nearly all the money to promote anti-animal use laws and enforcement. They have run through all the easy ‘for the animals’ campaigns and people are starting to realize that they are not helping animals, but are actually part of the problem.

HSUS is a business built on quicksand and it is starting to sink. Annual revenues are down by half from the peak year of 2015. However, continuing lies and a devoted base of hard core AR supporters (there are as many wealthy Hollywood fruitcakes and fanatics as ever) allow them to keep them spewing their garbage and buying up lawmakers year by year.

It does appear that things are starting to turn around. The gradual weakening of HSUS, public attention coming from the violence, the dawning recognition that it isn’t just that you can’t buy the purebred dog you remember from when you were a child but that there are almost no good purebreds or home-bred dogs at all, the views of a growing number of experts that, far from protecting animals, the tangle of laws has reduced their numbers and made them (and humans) less happy and less healthy – all this has begun to bend the road back in favor of animals and animal owners.

However, the turning is very slow. Many anti-animal laws were passed not just for animal rights reasons but also because they made things easier for animal control organizations. A pet limit law, for example, can be used as a one-size-fits-all answer to nearly any animal complaint, either by telling the individual whose dogs are a noise nuisance “You are over the limit – reduce your numbers” or by telling the complainant “Sorry – he’s within the limit so there’s nothing we can do” instead of enforcing the noise ordinance.

Bad laws give animal control more power. No enforcement agency willingly gives that up.

If breeding laws were liberalized, animal shelters would have competition for their own import and breeding programs. Seizures might nearly disappear. With so few good quality stray dogs there’d be no income from adoptions. Where would the money come from? For financial reasons too, shelters are against easing the laws. As a result of the very high value set by courts for a pet’s life, veterinarians have their own ambulance-chasing lawyers and their own malpractice insurance-dictated very expensive practice standards. A law limiting awards in pet wrongful death/injury cases would be hard to pass and even if it did, there would be no immediate unwinding of the staff, equipment, and clinic requirements that drove up the price of care.

It might be possible to repeal the laws mandating care but the immediate result would be less care. Discussions of low cost alternatives – for example, publicly funded clinics and the veterinary equivalent of nurse-practitioner status – meet strong opposition from veterinarians.

In-the-open home breeding has become so unfamiliar that it has the ‘not in my backyard’ problem. When liberalization is discussed the responses are usually “We don’t allow any kind of farming here – someone who wants to breed dogs should buy a farm in the country.” and “If we made breeding legal here, our town would be full of breeders: we don’t want all that noise and smell.”

Pet ow
ners still have no effective national voice and that makes it much harder to pass our own laws.

Mandatory microchipping of all pets has made billions of dollars for makers of chips, vet clinics, and chip registries and it continues to be a fountain of gold for them. Because it facilitates enforcement of all the other pet laws, the AR movement is determined to keep it. However, making government control that easy guarantees that there will be government control. The battle to undo the mandatory microchipping laws may seesaw for a decade or more but until they are undone, ownership and breeding of dogs cannot start to return to being a hobby.

There is some talk of a federal law preempting some of the anti-pet and anti-breeding state and local laws but it hasn’t happened yet. There’s wide recognition of the general corruption and abuse ‘under color of law’ by animal control organizations but the corruption comes from the grants of large amounts of power to poorly supervised persons with minimal qualifications. There’s little will and no money to dramatically upgrade animal control organizations so unless many of the laws are repealed to return us to the basic animal welfare and confinement laws of the late 20th century, there seems to be no solution.

The animal rights movement imagined that we could have a large force of animal police supervising every detail of breeding and ownership, gradually squeezing pets down and out of our lives. Wrapped in AR glitter paper the laws sounded good and they were passed. Americans, however, are only willing to pay for a few dog catchers and we want pets in our lives. The result has been a nasty sort of legal gridlock for dogs.

In 2026 the situation of pet dogs in the U.S. has hit bottom and will gradually begin to improve. However undoing the damage of the last 25 years – untangling the maze of laws, each with its own strong supporters; restarting the practice of in-home breeding; rebuilding the breeds, breeding knowledge and skills; re-establishing the kennel and breed clubs; beginning over again to spread the basics of good dog ownership to the average family – may take a century.


Nine out of ten new laws relating to pets are actually anti-pet in purpose. However, since `anti-pet’ wouldn’t sell, the real purpose is never put on the label. Pet laws must be studied to figure out what they will really do. The true purpose will be found among what would ordinarily be considered the ‘unintended consequences’ and is often the reverse of what we’re told.

The ‘law of unintended consequences’ is familiar in lawmaking. Unlimited welfare benefits seemed like a way to lift people out of poverty but the long-term effect was to build a cycle of dependence in which successive generations grew up and choose to ‘get a check’ rather than building the skills needed for adult independence. Laws passed with only the best of intentions thus caused the numbers of the poor to grow, decade by decade.

The difference is that for AR laws, the unintended consequences are the plan.

Everything else is just brightly colored wrapping paper, intended to build support and get the law passed. This tactic has been so well polished that you will find respected and well intended community leaders backing even the worst anti-pet bills.

When animal rights laws are claimed to be needed to prevent tragedy – ‘pit bull’ bans, extremely punitive dangerous dog laws, sometimes anti-tethering laws – you will often find the mother or other close relative of someone badly hurt or killed by a dog as a figurehead for the effort to pass the law.

These individuals are sincere and you cannot blame them for trying to prevent a repetition. The tactic is effective because it is hard to say “Mrs. Smith, I’m very sorry about Tommy but you don’t have a clue what you’re talking about.” But these poor people are twice victimized – the second time, by an animal rights movement that is cynically using them to put a human face on an anti-human and inhumane campaign.

A few examples of ‘what you see and what you get’

1. ‘Mandatory spay neuter (MSN) laws’ requiring all dogs to be spayed or neutered, generally with an expensive ‘intact animal’ licenses offered under tight restrictions, are promoted as a way to reduce ‘pet overpopulation.’ This seems logical: If there are no excess intact animals, then unwanted births can’t happen.

But it doesn’t work that way. These laws cannot be enforced – you can’t tell if a dog is spayed or neutered (S/N) at a glance (for females you may not even be able to locate the scar) and going door to door checking for vet certificates is far too expensive.

The first result is that a few dogs are S/N, a few more are given up, some dogs are abandoned (shelter intakes always rise for a couple of years where these laws are

passed) and most dogs are unchanged but owners of the intact ones are now in violation. The owners who either S/N or give up their dogs are the responsible ones: most of them were already confining their animals. The ones who were allowing animals to roam are least likely to have them altered.

These laws have no favorable effect on pet populations: While animal rightists cite San Mateo County, California (where MSN was passed in the early 1990’s) as a great success, an honest study of the numbers shows that the law didn’t work at all. And it has been the same in every other jurisdiction: Montgomery County, MD, passed MSN in the 1990’s but repealed it just a few years later when a watchdog agency concluded that it had only bad effects.

However ‘ineffective’ is just the beginning. The restrictions on ‘intact animal’ and ‘breeder’ licenses are always set up to make carefully planned multi-year breeding programs impossible. Good breeders either stop, move away, or try to hide, selling their dogs only out of the area. The supply of dogs from people who breed for health and happiness, match puppies to families, help if there are problems, and take them back if it doesn’t work, vanishes.

To get a dog license you have to say if the dog is S/N or not. People who are in violation of an MSN law stop getting licenses. Revenues decline and because licensing is the point at which rabies vaccinations are followed up, so does this important public health measure.

Wait – there’s even more. Since they generally point to a violation of the law, unplanned puppies are now effectively contraband. They may be abandoned or dumped – not exactly a humane outcome.

‘Oops’ litters supply around half of all American dogs: Causing them to be destroyed may create a shortage that draws hidden breeding and fleamarket imports from outlying areas. The poster child for MSN is Southern California where millions of people now live under these laws and sure enough, increasing numbers of puppies are being brought in from Mexico, often using the same smuggling schemes as for drugs.

Even the basic idea – that restricting dog births will reduce numbers entering shelters – is wrong in most areas. America no longer has a general dog ‘overpopulation’ (too many puppies) problem. Except in far out (mostly southern) rural areas, places with excessive euthanasia rates have an excess of adult dogs. That’s a different problem, one that must be addressed in other ways. To the extent that MSN has any effect at all, it simply lowers dog quality, thus making the adult dog retention problem worse.

MSN laws are a bomb, t
ossed in the middle of the American ‘dog supply system.’ But the unintended consequences are the plan. These laws are often supported by the well-intended but they are written by people who know exactly how they will work.

2. Anti-tethering laws either set limits on how long a dog can be tied outdoors (“no more than one hour at a time,” “not over three hours daily”) or completely forbid it. This sounds okay — most of us believe that most dogs should be kept as house pets, don’t we? Some breeders simply wouldn’t sell you a dog as a pet if you said “We will chain him in the back yard.”

However, most chained dogs do fine – I grew up with a real sweetheart of a German Shepherd who was perfectly happy on a chain.

There is no evidence that chaining contributes to aggression; such problems come from a combination of poor breeding and poor early socialization. Dangerous temperaments show up among in-home pets just as they do among dogs kept on chains, in fenced yards, or allowed to roam.

Many people cannot afford a secure fence and many of those who can, live where covenants and/or laws make a fence impossible.

Sledding and many hunting dogs are routinely chained, ditto many dogs kept for security purposes. These dogs are not intended as pets and if they were brought indoors, many would lose their reason for being.

Many dogs kept outside are very unhappy if brought inside: depression and/or destructive behavior are common. Some pet dogs kept outside can be trained to live indoors but the project will require at least weeks of close supervision by an adult with good dog skills. If the family works and goes to school during the day, keeping a dog chained because they can’t have a fence, the odds are against moving him inside.

The usual recourse when people are forced to stop chaining is a small homemade wire pen — far more confining and less secure.

The overall result of these laws is more dogs getting loose, more abandonments, and more given up at the animal shelter. Anti-tethering laws lead not to happier dogs, but a reduction in the number of dogs. Again, the unintended consequences are the plan.

There are several other very common types of AR laws: Breeder licensing schemes. These are mandatory spay/neuter from the flip side. Claimed to be needed to prevent irresponsible or abusive breeding (‘fight puppy mills’) the real goal is to make home breeding impractical.

Pet limit laws. These laws claim to reduce dog nuisances but since the overwhelming majority of dog owners are already within the limit, they don’t replace any other law. The chief effect – and the goal from the AR point of view – is wiping out home based dog rescue and home breeding. Zoning laws are sometimes used in exactly the same way, for example dog breeding may be defined as ‘manufacturing’ and permitted only in areas so zoned where residential property is uncommon and often not very desirable.

Humane education laws. Who could oppose education? But ‘humane’ is matter of values and values are best taught by parents. Attempts to teach values in the schools collide with two issues: Whose values? (Is hunting okay? Use of animals for education and research purposes? Eating of meat or wearing of fur and leather?). And where will the teaching materials come from? All current comprehensive ‘humane education’ materials were developed by anti-animal use organizations, HSUS and others. They are strictly propaganda, aimed at training future generations to reject existing and majority values in favor of those of a tiny group of cultists.

A subtle but nasty effect is that these programs undermine the moral authority of parents. PETA, for example, produced a comic book with a cover showing a woman with a knife, blood, etc. on the cover (slaughtering a rabbit) and the banner “Your Mommy KILLS Animals.” It’s hard to imagine anything worse for modern society.

Steady increases of the penalties for all forms of animal-related offenses. Laws work well when they reflect settled majority values: All of us agree that murder should be against the law and very strongly punished and all but the alcoholics support strong measures against drunk driving. When laws go beyond protecting us against behavior we all consider wrong and instead try to change the values of the majority, they no longer work well and tend to lessen respect for law. Increasing punishments within practical limits has little or no good effect. The ‘war on drugs’ shows us the borderland: Does any respected authority believe that doubling the minimum penalties would result in less drug use?

Many areas of animal law are similar. We have laws against abandonment, cruelty, dog (and other animal) fighting, neglect, and other actions that the great majority of us consider wrong. Year by year, we see efforts to double and redouble the penalties but with rare exceptions (such as a very few places where the law still gives deliberate cruelty a slap on the wrist), penalties are already high enough to have whatever deterrent effect is practical. Still more punishment simply means more plea bargains instead of trials, regardless of guilt.

‘Bond’ requirements when animals are seized. Seizure of owned animals was provided in laws as an emergency measure, to protect animals in immediate danger that cannot wait for a trial. Modern animal control practice in many areas, however, is that if there is (or can be claimed to be) a justification for seizure of any animal, they are all taken. Then, after a time, the owner can go to court and attempt to prove that there were no grounds for the seizure.

The only check on these abuses is that animal control must hold and care for the seized animals pending trial. The trend is toward laws requiring animal owners to post what is called a bond and is typically $10/day/animal within a few days following the seizure, often in 30-day chunks. Ten dogs = $3000; pay now or your animals are forfeited and

may be disposed of. Then you go to trial: Generally you don’t get your bond back even if you are found not guilty.

A true bond secures performance: show up for trial or finish the job as contracted and you get your money back. These so-called seizure bond provisions are just prepayments to shelters and since actual shelter expense to care for one more dog is $1-2/day, it’s at a very generous rate. An Ohio bill contains an innovation: rather than requiring a bond if animals are seized you have to do it to obtain a license allowing you to have over fifteen dogs for breeding or rescue. If any animal is seized; your bond is forfeited.

Where these laws are in force you will generally be offered the choice of pleading guilty to a lesser offence, forfeiting most animals, and capping your bond amount at elapsed days. So much for that annoying ‘due process’ thing in the U.S. Constitution.

The claimed justification is to protect animal control from the up front expense of large seizures and thus make them possible. The real effect is to complete the conversion of seizures from a limited tool needed for occasional urgent situations, to a profitable and perfectly legal form of abuse ‘under color of law.’ These laws almost completely eliminate the need for control organizations to make the case that a violation has occurred, thus freeing them to campaign without check against breeders, rescuers and anyone else they don’t like.

Laws that give power over dog care to others who don’t have to pay. Guardianship (increased government power), private right of action
laws (anyone can go to court to get power over your dogs), and increasing values set by courts on the value of a dog’s life (because pet ambulance chasing lawyers will make veterinary malpractice insurance necessary) will all drive up costs of ownership. These trends are just beginning but as they continue, dogs could easily become too expensive for most of us to own.

One final observation. The true effect of an animal rights law may be very well hidden. Long or complicated bills need several readings and at least one should be from the bottom up, since ‘killer’ provisions often appear near the end. Focus on the real world effects; they’re often not as they seem.

An example of ‘well hidden.’ A 2004 North Carolina proposal promoted to `end the tragedy of euthanasia’ would have taxed pet foods in order to fund (among other things) low cost spay/neuter programs. Sounds okay so far, doesn’t it?

But the funds were to be distributed to counties equally and to jurisdictions within counties according to population. The result would have been that the urban counties already having very high S/N percentages would have gotten most of the modest amount of money from the tax and incorporated areas within the remaining counties most of the rest, leaving pennies on the dollar for the less populous unincorporated rural areas that actually had the problem.

The same proposal contained a requirement that all shelters sterilize all animals prior to adoption. The effect on well-off counties would have been small, since most of them already were doing so. However in the poorer counties, 100% pre-adoption sterilization (rather than the weaker measure of requiring it by contract) would have jacked up the price of an adoption from $50-75 to perhaps $250 thus essentially ending unsubsidized adoptions. When you looked at the numbers, it was clear that there wouldn’t be enough money for more than a fractional subsidy.

The true effect of the proposal would have been to greatly increase euthanasia rates in the rural areas where the problem existed.

Opposition grew, the measure never was introduced as a bill.

A second example of `well hidden.’ The Albuquerque New Mexico `HEART’ ordinance contains a list of the usual sorts of serious mistreatment that will be considered animal cruelty. Much farther down the text of the law there’s a short paragraph that lists by number only, several earlier paragraphs of minor violations that will also be charged as cruelty – leash law violations, having bees in an area accessible to your dog, and so on. In yet another section you discover that not only is any cruelty violation a bar to getting a permit (to conduct any animal business or to keep or breed an intact animal) but the presence of any person in your household who has had such a conviction is also a bar.

Maybe they won’t find out? Well, you’re required to state when applying that no such bar exists. In Albuquerque, if your mom gets fined because her dog gets loose and she later moves in with you, your pet breeding days are over. HEART is in effect now and there will be a strong effort to pass it at the state level within the next year.



Some of these books are out of print but they’re widely available from the usual sources.

The Hijacking of the Humane Movement, Rod and Patti Strand, 1993, ISBN 0-944875-28-9 (Revised edition planned for 2007)

ANIMAL RIGHTS – The Inhumane Crusade, Daniel T. Oliver, 1999, ISBN 0-936783-23-0

ANIMAL SCAM – The beastly abuse of human rights, Kathleen Marquardt, 1993, ISBN 0-89526-498-6


Americans for Medical Progress

PETA Kills Animals

Sportsmen’s and Animal Owners Voting Alliance

Animal Scam

Activist Cash


Missouri Federation of Animal Owners

Alliance of Responsible Pet Owners of NE Florida Cat Fancier’s Association Legislative Group

Animal Rights

National Animal Interest Alliance

Center for Consumer Freedom

Dog Watch

Dog Politics

Bio for Walt Hutchens

Walt Hutchens is a Naval Academy graduate with two masters degrees in engineering from MIT. He is retired from careers in the Navy, as an engineer, and as a small business owner in the DC area. He has written numerous op-ed pieces for the Roanoke Times and other Virginia newspapers on various topics and has had many articles on vintage military and ham radios published in hobby magazines.

He and his wife Sharyn have a combined total of nearly 40 years in dog breeding, rescuing, and training. Walt is owner and moderator of the 2500-member Pet-Law email group, as well as the Virginia Pet-Law list and several other state lists. The Petdogs-L group is another 2500-member list providing advice and answering questions for dog owners.

The Hutchens have been involved in legislative issues and fighting the animal rights movement since 2001.

Founder's Effect

by Dr. Carmen L. Battaliga

When a popular sire appears in so many pedigrees that it causes the gene pool of a breed to drift in the direction of that sire, the gene pool loses genetic diversity and the phenomena is called the “Founders Effect”. The underlying fear from this phenomenon is that one dog will have an extraordinary effect on his breed through his genetic influence. This includes not only his qualities but whatever detrimental recessives he carriers. The excessive use of inbreeding and line breeding on such a dog will further reduce genetic diversity. Eggleston (2000) reported on the range of genetic diversity among the AKC breeds. She constructed a continuum for all of the breeds. At one extreme she placed the Bull Terriers which had the least amount of genetic diversity. This means that they tend to be line or inbred. At the other extreme were the Jack Russell Terriers who she found to have the most amount of genetic diversity. This means their pedigrees were for the most part the result of outcross breedings. This meant that the ancestors tended to be unrelated to each other.

In the world of purebred registered dogs, it can easily be demonstrated that the most popular dogs are those who are more likely to have influence over future generations. At the same time these same animals can also be shown to have contributed a disproportionately higher number of defective genes into the gene pool of their breed. In the case of a “Founder”, who is usually a popular stud dog, there are four reasons to explain why such a dog will have produced a higher number of defective traits then other stud dogs who are not well known and who are used less often.

A prominent stud dog including a “Founder” is usually well known and popular. This is because the breeders choose to use them based on what they produce and their winning offspring that have been observed by many exhibitors and breeders. If several poor quality pups are produced, gossip about them usually spreads quickly which causes others to avoid using them. Hence, their status is reduced to a lower popularity.

It can also be shown that there are other sires that will have produced the same defects. Less will be known about these sires because they will be used less often and they will have fewer litters and offspring to be seen. These less popular studs may have produced the same number of defective traits and health problems, but the gossip about them is controlled and minimized because fewer breeders are involved and there are less offspring to be seen. It must be remembered that in order for a genetic disease or a recessive trait to exist in a breed there must be three kinds of dogs. Those that are affected, the carriers, and the normals. Suffice it to say that popular sires and those called the “Founder”, are animals that are widely used. These dogs will have a better chance to come in contact with carrier bitches, which is why they will have more opportunities to produce genetic problems than the other stud dogs that are only bred a few times.

When a pedigree begins to show an over emphasis on one individual, the traits of that individual are generally well known. It makes no sense to exclude such a dog, a “Founder” or one of his close relatives without good reason. It must be remembered that each time a breeding occurs, one half of the genes of the sire and one half of the genes of the dam are carried forward to their new pups. By the third generation, only 25% of the grand parent’s genes are carried forwarded. The impact of one dog even if he were the “Founder” would have been minimized.


{supertable table active 0} {active disable} {headrows 1} {rowheight 1 50px} {rowheight 2 50px} {rowheight 3 50px} {rowheight 4 50px} {rowheight 5 50px} {rowheight 6 50px} {rowheight 7 50px}

Relationship Common Ancestor Coefficient of Inbreeding


1/2 on sire



1/2 on dam



2/2 grandsire 2/22 grand dam


Paternal half sibs

2/2 on grandsire


Maternal half sibs

2/2 on grand dam


First cousins

3/3 grandsire 3/3 grand dam
4/4 on ancestor



When a stud dog that is closely related to the “Founder”, is bred to an unrelated bitch only 50% of his genes will appear in their pups. Thus, the effect of the “Founder” is reduced and will continue to be reduced in each subsequent generation simply by using an outcross. These breedings will dissipate rather then concentrate the genes needed to retain and strengthen traits. The continued use of an outcross is equivalent to throwing genes away. A better strategy is to analyze each pedigree that includes the “Founder” or one of his other close relatives to see what traits and risks are involved.

In every breeding there will be some degree of risk. The key is to minimize the potential for problems. For example, if the “Founder” was a quality dog known to produce desired traits it would make no sense to eliminate him or a pedigree with him in it just because he had produced an undesirable trait. If the “Founder” was a popular dog what he produced is a reflection of the pedigrees bred to him. Because he was popular explains why he has produced some or all of the undesirable traits known to his breed. A certain percentage of these bitches will have been carriers. Avoiding these popular dogs because of a known fault provides a false sense of security based on undefined “fears”. It makes more sense to make decisions about their use after their pedigree has been analyzed for breadth and depth of the traits desired along with what they have produced.

Planned breedings are the best way to avoid problems. A breeder’s objective is to find the best stud dog for each bitch. Exper
ienced breeders know there are always risks. It is the novice who continues too avoid using the popular sires because they have produced faults. Their preference is to use unknown and untested dogs that have little or no track record. Experienced breeders know to avoid using these untested sires because they represent test breedings most of which are nothing more than the breeding of “likes to likes”, “winners to winners” etc. These are not effective ways to retain traits. A series of planned breedings using a variety of relatives (close and distant) has been shown to be a superior method.

Battaglia, C. L. – Breeding Better Dogs, BEI Publications, Atlanta, GA 1986
Battaglia, C. L. – Genetics – How to Breed Better Dogs, T.F.H., Neptune, NJ, 1978
Bell, Jerold S. “Choosing Wisely”, AKC Gazette, August 2000, Vol. 117, Number 8, p-51.
Bell, Jerold S. “Choosing Wisely”, AKC Gazette, August 2000, Vol. 117, Number 8, p-51.
Bell, Jerold, S. “Developing Healthy Breeding programs”, Canine Health Conformance, AKC Canine Health Foundation, Oct. 15-17,1999. St. Louis MO.
Eggleston, Marsha, “Genetic Diversity”, Report given the AKC DNA Committee, 2002, New York, New York.
Foley, C.W; Lasley, J.F. and Osweiler, G.D., “Abnormalities of Companion animals: Analysis of Heritabliliy”, Iowa University Press, Ames, Iowa, 1979
Hutchinson, Robert, “Breeders Symposium”, Sponsored by IAMS Company, Hotel Pennsylvania, NY, NY February 10, 2001.
Hutt, Fred, Genetics for Dog Breeders, WH. Freeman Co., San Francisco, CA, 1979
Willis, Malcolm, Genetics of the Dog, Howell Book House, New York, New York, 1989
Willis, Malcomb, “Breeding Dogs” Canine Health Conference, AKC Canine health Conference, Oct. 15-17, 1999. St. Louis, MO.
Willis, Malcomb, “The road ahead”, AKC Gazette, August 2000, Vol. 117, number 8, p-47.

Carmen L Battaglia holds a Ph.D. and Masters Degree from Florida State University. As an AKC judge, researcher and writer, he has been a leader in promotion of breeding better dogs and has written many articles and several books.Dr. Battaglia is also a popular TV and radio talk show speaker. His seminars on breeding dogs, selecting sires and choosing puppies have been well received by the breed clubs all over the country. Those interested in learning more about his articles and seminars should visit the website

Feeding Young Puppies

In-Depth response to query on feeding young puppies by Marj Brooks

Upon weaning your puppies you will need to continue feeding more than 3 times a day awhile. My rule of thumb is you feed enough to fill their stomachs and not have them have that extended stomach look when they are finished eating. You can guesstimate the size of their stomachs just by looking.

Let them still be around mom through the 7th week. They can help mom dry up by suckling on her for a minute when her breasts fill up with milk and relieve her and save yourself from having to do it. Also mom teaches the puppies dog things or things that dogs need to know. In the 7th week mom teaches discipline. You should observe this yourself and use what mom is teaching them for her and other dogs for you to teach for you and other humans.

Back to feeding: Put them on a daytime schedule. You shouldn’t have to be getting up in the middle of the night to feed them. You are imprinting a bad
habit. They probably need to be fed 5 or even 6 little meals on the same schedule each day backing off to 4 or 5 meals at six weeks and 4 meals at
the 7th week for a while. Maybe at 9 weeks or so you can drop to 3 times a day and at about 4 months to 2 times a day. You will be able to tell by
their behaviors when you can feed less meals.

All during this time you are giving them more and more each meal and day as they grow. As you will see, they will be growing very fast now and actually have been all along.

It is good for digestion that they chew their food too, so you don’t have to smash it all up but soak it some for the added moisture. Another thing that I can advise is to feed them all in separate dishes. This way they all will get what they need. The bullies and the bigger pups will eventually cause a slower and the lesser or lower puppy in the pecking order which they are establishing to not get enough and they eventually could give up and become fussy eaters when they leave the nest and your home.

I have a photograph to share and I will put it on the website to illustrate this feeding separately thing. You don’t have to separate the puppies all over the place at this time, just line all of the dishes up and keep each puppy at their own dish until they have all cleaned up their respective dish of food. Then they can go around to all of the dishes and clean ’em up if you desire. At the time you hand them the food, you can say “let’s eat” and “go to you dish” and you will have to guide and push them to their individual dish. During the time they are eating and want to leave their dish to go another, stop them by guiding them back to their dish and say ‘eat you own food’ or ‘go to your dish’ … whatever words or command that you think of. This way they are learning direction and obedience from you. Their dam (mom) is already teaching them these things at this time and has been all

Puppies normally play a little after eating, eliminate and then go to sleep to grow. Actually this is a great time to teach them to housebreak them. After they eat they have to eliminate and you can usher them outside ‘let’s go outside’, ‘take a pee’ after they get outside and so on. Let them play outside, weather permitting and/or say ‘let’s go in the house’ and usher them in to play, and you play with them a little and let mom play with them a little and they will go to sleep and you start all over.

When they wake up say, ‘let’s go outside’ and  take them out to eliminate as they always have to eliminate when they wake up and so on through out the

If you set up a schedule that works for you, they will learn it and you should be able to get a full nights sleep.

It is hard for me to remember just how much food that I am feeding to each puppy at 5 weeks, so you will learn how much that they need to satisfy them
without allowing their stomachs to be noticeably extended. You should be able to tell at a glance that they are full or something is in the stomach

I hope that this is a big help to you and if you have more questions, please ask.

I will work on getting the photo up on the site.

Articles to guide you:

Rule of 7’s

Puppy Advise

Super Puppy

Considerations When Buying A Doberman

by R.M. (Bug) Russell

These questions are certainly those that every breeder gets asked over and over again.  I’m not a breeder but I’m going to answer the questions that this potential Doberman owner asks anyway.

We are considering getting a Doberman as a family pet. We have some questions and would like a referral to a breeder in the San Francisco Bay Area.  Here are our questions:

1. When we bring the puppy home, how long after do we take it for obedience training?

If you are thinking about getting your first Doberman  I’d recommend a puppy obedience class as early as the puppies adults vaccinations are complete.  Dobermans seem, in general, to have more than their share of very smart dogs and even the puppy obedience class will give you some valuable information about how dogs interact and how to train any dog, including a Doberman.  It also gives your puppy a chance to see and interact with other puppies and young dogs in a stress free but supervised situation.  And finally it will allow you to lay down the beginning training that ALL good dogs should have if they are to be a successful pet and companion.

2. Should we bond with the puppy first or take it to obedience training right away?

Over the last few years I have reached a point where the term “bond” has become a sore point with me.  I see it used, inappropriately, to describe a lot of owner behavior  which always turns out to be greatly to the detriment of a good owner/dog relationship.  I have gotten Dobermans (and other breeds) at various ages, from very young puppies to fully adult dogs.  If what you mean by “bond” is for the dog and you (or you and your family) to form strong attachments to each other then I must tell you that I’ve never had a dog (of any breed or age) who wasn’t thoroughly attached to me and when there were other family members living at home, to them as well by the time he’d been with me for a week.  Obedience training is simply another way for you and your dog to interact with each other.

Even if you don’t take your puppy to a class for obedience training you should buy one of the excellent books on the subject of training dogs and use it to help you train your dog from the beginning.  These should be painless lessons on behavior for the puppy.  Puppy hood is when dogs learn the basics of life in the real world–they soak up what you teach them like a sponge.  You can make this part of the “bonding” (that awful WORD again) and both you and your dog will profit by it.

3. Do you recommend that we take time off and be with the puppy?

I certainly recommend that you take time off to be with the puppy when you get it.  If one member of the family isn’t home all the time a week or two is kind of a minimum period of time for you and your puppy to be together and learn about each other and for the puppy to learn how to behave in your household.

But if your family is one in which both (all) parties work on a full time basis you might want to think again about getting a Doberman at this time.  Or for that matter about getting a dog at all.  Nothing can be much more destructive than a bored puppy/adolescent/dog–it can make your life with your dog so distressing that you will rue the day you ever wanted a dog.  Raising a puppy is very much like raising a child–you get out what you put in.  But a puppy grows to well behaved adulthood in a very telescoped period of time.  Too often a puppy who gets insufficient supervision when young ends up in the same boat as the juvenile delinquent–NO ONE wants them–they are simply too much trouble.

Many of the young dogs who end up in rescue come from the ranks of puppies with too much energy and not enough supervision.

4. For how long should we stay home with the puppy?

See the comments above.  When I have a puppy I have a deal I make with the place  I work–I come in early and stay late and take a longish lunch hour.  Since I work 40 hours a week there is no way that I can be there to supervise the puppy.  Instead I’ve worked out a routine which means that the puppy is NEVER alone longer than 4 hours at a time–and that is the maximum it would ever be alone.

I have a breeder friend who loves to place puppies with retired folk–they, she told me, are always home and are willing to spend time with their dog, to go places and take the dog with them–in short–they are great homes.  This can’t always be said for those of us who work 5 days a week.  Make sure you have enough time in your life for a puppy and for the dog it will grow up to be.

5. What type of obedience training do you recommend; how long should the training be?

I recommend puppy kindergarten for first time owners–see the answer to the first two questions.  I train my own dogs in a rather informal way (since I show them in conformation I don’t want them learning some of the formal obedience exercises–specifically the automatic sit)  But I also believe that Dobermans should be able to do it all and I also eventually put at least one working title on my dogs–it is generally a CD–but the foundation is laid long before we go to class to learn the formal exercises.  All dogs, no matter what you do with them should be able to walk on a leash with you and not pull you off your feet.  All dogs should know how to sit, to lie down, and to stand on command.  And all dogs should know how to stay where you left them for a short period of time or wait for you to attach a leash, open a door or put the groceries down.

In short–all dogs should have good manners.  You need to teach them that–in or out of an obedience class.  I have friends who take their dogs to obedience classes for years.  They aren’t going to show them in obedience–it just provides a week to week  reminder for both the dog and owner; for the owner, how to teach the dog things and for the dog, how to please the owner by doing what they have been taught.

6. Should Dobermans be kept indoor or outdoors?

Dobermans are dogs–they need time outside to do doggy things without worrying about what you might want them to do.  If by this last question you mean should they be what people used to call a “yard” dog–a dog that has a house out in the yard, who is fed in the yard and who never comes inside DON’T get any dog–particularly DON’T get a Doberman.

A Doberman is at his very best as a family member.  These are not dogs who will do well as kennel dogs, yard dogs or anything except the dog that lives with you–where you live–inside, where they can see you, be your companion, and just generally hang out with you.

Changing The Estimates

by Dr. Carmen L. Battaglia

Those who win are bred more often than those that lose.

Each year there are hundreds of exhibitors who leave the ring unhappy about the placement of their dog. Some are disappointed because they did not win others because of a comment made by the judge. Here is an example of a comment that will upset many owners and handlers. “I liked your dog but it was to large”. Most owners and handlers translate that in ways that would upset most judges. The dilemma is this. Does it mean that their dog was to big based on the standard or that there was another dog that was closer to the standard for its height? This is not always an easy problem to understand and emotions run high when judges make these remarks.

The facts are that the judge and breeder are central to making breed improvements and there are rules that control the judging process. These rules are important because they can influence a breed’s function, the quality of those that win and to some degree, the destiny of a breed. In this respect, it is fair to say that there are certain aspects of the judging process that are not perfect. For example, if a judge questions or doubts the size or weight of a particular entry this could become a disappointment for the handler and owner depending on what the judge does or says. The judging guidelines require that an estimate be made about height unless there is a disqualification for size in the breed standard. For the breeders and the owners of dogs who know their dogs to be within the standard, making an estimate about this trait can often times result in not winning. These owners and handlers believe that estimating size is not a satisfactory way to interpret the standard.

While most breed standards do not make height or weight a disqualification, they do place great emphasis on these traits with specific language that speaks to gender with words like ” the ideal or correct” size or weight etc, etc. Given this language it might seem strange that out of 153 breeds only 31 have a height disqualification. Of these only twenty disqualify for under size, eighteen for over size and sixteen for both under and over a specific size requirement. The remaining 122 standards do not have a disqualification for size. Some believe that the lack of a disqualification is to be interpreted as only guidance to the judge. This leaves the subject open to a wide range of interpretations. When a standard refers to a trait with words like “the ideal or correct”, should one wonder what the intended meaning is or what interpretation should be given the trait? Would all clubs agree on how to interpret these words? Probably not. Some would point out that there are breeders who knowingly breed and exhibit dogs that are too large or too small based on the standard. Does this mean that because there is no disqualification that anything goes? When a judge suspects a dog to be over or under the standard most use the time accepted ritual that has been passed down over the years. Some call it the “guesstimate” procedure because they are not allowed to measure or weigh. In a study reported by Willis, judges were asked about their procedure. Later the dogs were actually measured using a wicket. To everyone’s surprise, Willis found the error rate to be very high even among the most experienced judges. When Willis asked these judges about their procedure most said they marked a place on their skirt or pant leg so they could stand next to the dog, look down and make an estimate about the dog’s size. If the breed was examined on the table most said they spread their fingers and determined height by looking at the distance between their thumb and little finger. A third group said they could estimate size by observation alone. They simply “eye balled it” based on their “years of experience”.

It seems strange that in this age of advanced technology, it would take a simple study by Willis to demonstrate that this procedure is out dated and fraught with error. Many have asked if it wouldn’t it be better to allow judges to measure any dog they believe to be too large or too small since the purpose of the wicket is to measure when there is doubt. If judges were allowed to measure or weigh, they would have more accurate information on which to base their decision. A dog that is a little too big or too small might still be the best one in the ring for its over all quality. The dilemma for what happens next is called judging. The disgruntled prefer to call it “guessing or estimating”. At the end of the day it all boils down to a judgement. Should judges be denied the right to know when the breed standard calls for a specific size or weight? Related to this is the reality about what we should not forget. Those that win are the ones who will be bred to the most.

Under current AKC policy, breeds without a disqualification for size or weight are at the mercy of a judge’s ability, skills, experience and interest at making estimates. Willis demonstrated that even the best could oftentimes be wrong.

When I asked several judges about this, they remarked that the estimate has always been the tradition and to “change it now after all these years would only delay the show”. If we think out of the box for a moment and admit that the wicket and the scales are superior to making estimates, there just might be a better way. Suppose that judges were allowed to use wickets or scales at specialty shows as a way of testing the idea. Would this not be an improvement over the current method?

Calculating The Aging Process

by Dr. Carmen L. Battaglia

Time is our most valuable and unique resource because it can only be used once, and unlike any of our other resources, it cannot be recycled, borrower or saved. Most importantly, everyone accepts it as a given because it moves at the same rate day after day. Some have described it as a straightforward progression like steps on a ladder where one always follows another, as in minutes, hours and days. For these reasons time has been linked to the aging process. The rationale for this is the clock and how we count. Each day is just as long as every other and all of them have just 24 hours. Given this truism, we are led to believe that the amount of time that it takes to pass from one year to the next (except leap year) is always the same. What furthers this belief is the way we count the distance (hours, minutes, seconds) between each day and the next. Our reasoning is that hours lead to days, months and then years. Hence, we conclude that it must be linear. The most logical reason to believe all of this is that after 10 years, we all believe that we are 10 years older. It was this conclusion that led me to think about time and how we calculate the age of our dogs.

A little research on this subject led me to look beyond the obvious and into the world of other living organisms. There we find birth rates, adolescence and the aging process itself. For some organisms these periods are different rather than similar. Those who have lived through some of them already know that time does not always seem to be so linear. In other words, for some of us the distance between one year and the next was not always the same. As a child, some of our days took longer to pass than others. As an adult, these same days now seem to pass more quickly. I remember my mother saying, “It seems like just a few weeks ago it was spring and now it’s almost Christmas”. What’s funny about all of this, is that now, I have begun to say some of these same things myself. Even our common expressions seem to confirm that time moves at different speeds and it seems to take on different meanings depending on our age. In the non-scientific world when people speak about time they then to associate it with their age and experiences. This could be why it seems to pass at different rates for each age group and whether they were having fun or dreading every minute of it.

Dr. Deepak Chopra a noted endrochrongolist wrote about how people can change their biological clock just by the way they view time. He speaks about the mind-body connection and what science has learned about the aging process. Chopra reminds us that our body is constantly replacing its parts one by one but at different rates. We replace our skin each month and our heart and other organisms at different intervals. The body we lived in last year is not the same one we live in this year.

How people think about time and how they express it in conversation can not only affect their body but its many functions. For example, we can all remember meeting an old friend. If we had a really good time, we would say that “time flew by”. On a recent flight that took six hours, I ran into an old friend and we began to catch up on things. When we arrived we were not even tired, we forgot to take a nap and kept on talking. Chopra addresses these kinds of events and reminds us that when people are enjoying themselves; time passes by in a “jiffy”. When events are pleasant, we use phrases like; “our time just flew by”. Chopra reminds us that we can actually alter our biology for sleep and reset our need to rest with just a thought. He points to examples of how our attitudes can influence these things. For example, when people describe their life in negative ways, with phrases like; “my time is running out”, they also change their biology. These individuals via their thoughts are actually stressing their bodies by closely watching the clock. Their perception of time makes their biological clock run faster. As a result of their internal perception of time (which is running out), they tend to have a faster pulse. Their hormone and insulin levels are higher. Their blood pressure is elevated, they have a faster heart arrhythmia and their heart beats more times than normal each minute. While a newborn infant is not thinking about these things and has no notion of time, their biology also changes with age but for different reasons. After having lived one full year, they are just beginning to walk, while other mammals who were born on the same day can be fully developed and mature enough to become parents. These differences suggest that time may not be universal or linear for all species. Some believe that the aging process begins at birth and travels at a different pace each year thereafter for a lifetime. For these reasons we should question how the aging process is measured since it can vary within and between species and it can change pace depending on ones lifestyle, experiences, general health and attitude.

Researchers have changed their notion about time and how it passes. Advances made in the process of in-vitro fertilization (IVF) have moved time forward at a pace faster than anyone noticed. The first child born of frozen embryo was Zoe Leyland. Her birth occurred on March 28, 1984, in Melbourne, Australia. In 1997, Lesley and John Brown of Oldham, England gave birth to the first child conceived in a test tube. This was a shock to the world and it signaled the beginning of a new era in human reproduction. Today, the use of IVF has become such a wide spread practice that thousands of children are now being born each year using this technology. What we thought about reproduction and the time it took for a pregnancy to occur full term had been changed. Scientists have re-shaped our genetic destiny by shortening the nine months of pregnancy preceding a birth with the creation of artificial wombs. By 2000, the time an unborn child needed to be nurtured in the womb had been shortened from nine months to less than six. These changes have led to an increasing number of children who start their lives outside the human womb in petri dishes where, as embryonic cells, they divide and grow before implantation into their own or a surrogate mother’s womb.

There is other evidence to suggest that what was thought to be the time required for certain things to occur had changed suggesting that for other species time may not necessarily pass at the same rate as it does for humans. One year in the life of a human is not the same as one year in the life of a puppy, a colt or a goldfish. Even the speed of a human heart beat changes with age. The resting rate for a newborn is 120 – 180 beats per minute. At one year, the rate changes to 100 – 130, at two it has slowed down to 90 – 120 and by eight years of age it is near that of a young adult, 70 – 120 beats per minute. The rate at which time passes and the speed with which each species develops, matures and dies is related in part to its genetics, but also to their nutrition, health care and their biological clock. Dr. Chopra and others remind us that our perception of time can also change body functions and the aging process just by the way we think.

In the year 2000, scientists revised the average life expectancy of humans. For women it was raised to 87 and for men it was raised to 80. But for the horse it remains about 25-30 years and for most breeds of dogs it is still about 10-12 years on the average. One can not help but notice that for most of the species on this planet, their life expectancy has remained unchanged for the past 150 years. Humans seem to be the one notable exception. The fact that humans have significantly extended their life ex
pectancy by almost 50 years is worth some discussion. These extensions were not accomplished by slowing down growth or development at the beginning of life, but instead they were achieved by extending the number of years at the end of the life cycle. It is interesting to note that the one period of life that has not changed is the length of time that it takes to reach reproductive maturity. For most species including humans it still takes about the same amount of time to become biologically mature as it did 150 years ago.

Humans born after 1950 can now expect to live almost twice as long as their great-grandparents who lived in the early 1800’s. Tables 1 and 2 compare and contrast the rate at which individuals pass through life.


Born Adolesence Maturity Middle Age Old Age






1900 12 20 45 60
2000 12 20 50 70

According to a report by the Merial Corporation (2001), dogs age more quickly in their early life than humans. Table 2, provides the age equivalents for dogs.


Born Adolesence Maturity Middle Age Old Age


6 months




1900 12




2000 12




When compared, Tables 1 and 2 provide simple facts that have starling implications. The most obvious of which is that although a canine’s life expectancy has not substantially changed over the past 200 years, humans have nearly doubled how long they can expect to live. For humans, the aging process has been extended because of the improvements that were made in the control of childhood diseases, health care and nutrition. The other factor affecting life expectancy is genetics and the capacity to reach the biological threshold. One’s ability to adapt to a changing environment can also influence the aging process. In these areas, the animal kingdom has been less successful.


We grow up with the belief that time is linear rather than relative because we live in a physical world with clocks, calendars and birthdays. We know that diet; exercise, proper rest, and attitude all impact the aging process. A brief look at our early history provides some insight into this matter. Lets take the first seven Presidents of the United States beginning with George Washington, (born 1732) through President, Andrew Jackson, (born 1767). All seven presidents had different problems during their administrations and for one reason or another each of these men all lived considerably longer than other men of their time. They averaged an incredible 79.85 years which even by today’s standards would have been exceptional. Perhaps their diet, early childhood care and experiences were better than others. But surely they had jobs with more built-in pressure, stress and tension then others. Could seven consecutive presidents all have had something in common that made this difference. While there is no direct way to measure their genetics, it seems clear that they may have had a superior genetic advantage. In the 1700 and 1800’s, a 40-year-old man was considered to have passed the middle of his life and by 50 he had reached old age. If that same man had a 10-year-old dog, he was considered to have an old dog. In the year 2000, a 40-year-old man would only be approaching middle age but his 10-year-old dog would still be considered an old dog. The important difference between these two stories is not the dog, but what happened to the owner. The phrase “in man-years”… means the man’s age. It was used as a way to measure and compare a man’s age to that of his dog. Hence, the phrase, my dog is “70 man-years old” was calcu­lated by using a formula that had been passed down from father to son. To compute the age of a dog in man-years, you were taught to multiply the dog’s age by seven. In those days a 10-year-old dog could easily have outlived his master if the dog’s age were converted into man-years using the old formula.

A new formula has been developed which is based on new information and a better understanding of the aging process. We now know that the old formula was not correct because it assumed that each year of life was linear meaning that it was exactly the same year after year. With a new understanding of how time passes and with some knowledge about how each species develops and matures, we know that the aging process does not continue at the same pace year after year. Nor do all species grow, develop, and mature at the same rate. In Table 3, the old and new formulas show the conversion of a dog’s age into man-years. What did not change between the old and new formula was the first year of life; it is still the equivalent of 15 or 16 man-years. But after that things begin to change. A two-year-old dog would be equivalent to a 24-year-old man; a three-year-old dog would be equivalent to a 28-year-old and so on. Using the new formula, a 10-year-old dog would be 52 man-years old, not 70 as the old formula suggested. The comparison between the old and new formula shows that linear time correctly applies to the clock and the calendar, but not as a way to measure the aging process. Using the old formula, it would be very risky to let a 70 year-old dog chase a Frisbee on a hot day. One would be less hesitant if it were a 52 year-old dog chasing the Frisbee on the same hot day.


Chronological Age 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Old Formula 15 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
New Formula 16 8 4 4 4 4 4 4

The reason for the change in the old formula is because we know that the aging process is affected by many factors not just the clock and the calendar. For example, diet, rest and health care for the younger members of a species are clearly different then those of the adults. How well these elements are managed plays a major role in the extension of their biological clock and their life expectancy. Why then are the canines today not living longer than those in the past? They are fed superior diets that are commercially produced using nearly perfect formulas. Puppies are being better-managed and fed superior rations. With all of these improvements there still has not been a significant improvement in their total life expectantly.

The problem may lie in the fact that they have already reached their biological threshold. For humans we know that it is 120 years, which means that for most of us we have not reached the genetic limit of what is possible. Because we have a genetic threshold of 120 years, managing stress, diet and exercise takes on a new meaning and explains why humans have been able too nearly double their life expectancy. Whether man will be able to extend the life of his best friend now seems to depend on how well science can be put to use. If their biological limit and there genetic threshold has already been reached, the potential for extending their life may require the use of new technologies and our creative ability to approach this subject with new ideas.

Chopra, Deepak, Perfect Health, Hermony Books Inc., Crown Publishers Inc., NY, NY, 1991
Mohraman, Robert, “Canine Obesity”, Ralston Purina Company, Checkerboard Square, St. Louis MO.
Paw Prints, Newsletter, Merial Corporation, 2001, p.8


Carmen L Battaglia holds a Ph.D. and Masters Degree from Florida State University. He is an AKC judge; researcher, writer, well known lecturer and leader in the promotion of breeding better dogs. He has written many articles and several books.

Dr. Battaglia is also a popular guest on TV and radio talk shows having appeared several times on animal planet. His seminars on breeding better dogs, selecting sires and choosing puppies have been well received by breed clubs. Those interested in learning more about his seminars and articles should visit the website

Busy Pets

by TD Yandt

One of the best things you can do for your new puppy is to take him to a puppy kindergarten class. It is all too easy to allow a new puppy to remain within his comfort zone, but by doing so you may be setting yourself up for problems later on.

Separation anxiety, fear biting and aggression are some of the main reasons given to shelters when people surrender their dogs. The sad thing is that in almost all cases, these problems could have been avoided had the dog had proper socialization and training as a puppy.

Puppy kindergarten classes aren´t so much about training your puppy as they are about teaching him that the world is an okay safe place to be. Your new pup will be exposed to a variety of other dogs, several new places and a plethora of different people. Classes typically run on a six- or eight-week schedule and are well worth the nominal fee.

Allowing your pup to meet and play with other puppies in a safe setting helps him to learn how to properly communicate with other dogs. Interacting with others, both people and dogs, in a safe and supervised environment is a step in the right direction at the beginning of a lifetime of learning. Teaching your pup that there is nothing to be afraid of sets you, your puppy and your whole family up for success.

Bathing A Dog

written by Anna Browning, Windsor Dobermans
submitted by Marj Brooks, Manorie Dobermans

NOTE: “The wetter the dog, the less soap you will need for a good lather”. Anna also said to dilute the soap. If you do this just about any soap will work including Joy dish detergent. The shampoo however must have the right p/h balance for dogs. I suggest that you print this out, try it and learn to bathe your dogs this way.

Here are Anna’s instructions:

Many years ago, while at the Western States Veterinary Conference, I attended a lecture on Dermatology.  The speaker started off by saying, ” I’ll bet you that most of you don’t know how to bathe a dog…”.  Well, we all laughed, but he then piped in, “Seriously, I’ll bet you that at least 90% of you are doing it wrong!”.  Silence came over the room as he explained.  Most people bathe their dogs in warm water.  This, he said, is for the owner’s comfort … not the dog’s!  His rules for bathing were:

  1. Bathe in tepid water — when I say bathe in tepid water, this really means room temperature water … NOT warm.  I thought I’d clarify this as some people think that tepid means warm.  If in doubt, go COLDER, not warmer.
  2. Use a hypoallergenic/PH balanced DOG shampoo
  3. Wet the dog thoroughly
  4. Dilute the shampoo before putting it on the animal
  5. Start at the head of the dog, and using ONLY your finger TIPS (NEVER the fingernails!), gently massage the dog WITH the grain of the hair… NEVER rub against the grain of the hair.
  6. Once the entire dog is properly bathed, rinse in tepid water
  7. Rinse again
  8. When you think you’ve rinsed enough, rinse one more time!

Other rules are:

  1. Don’t over bathe (don’t bathe too often… he suggested once a month if needed).
  2. If you do bathe, use an conditioning spray afterwards, such as HyLyt Bath Oil Spray to replace essential oils removed by bathing.
  3. When petting the dog, don’t rub against the grain of the hair…. especially important in short haired breeds without

His theory on “bathing reactions” are:

People use warm water to wet the dog. This opens the pores.  They then put shampoo on the dog, full strength,
irritating the skin.  The person then “scrubs” the dog against the grain of the hair, using the fingernails to get the dog “good and clean”!  This further irritates the skin.  They rinse the dog, again with warm water, shoving the shampoo
into the open, irritated hair follicle.  They don’t rinse thoroughly enough and once the warm water stops running, and the dog starts to dry, the pores close.  Now, you have an irritated hair follicle.  This irritated hair follicle now becomes infected, leading to folliculitis (those little zits your dogs usually get the day after bathing!!).  The owner then thinks the dog is allergic to the shampoo and has to go to the vet to get hydroxizine and prednisone to make the
bumps/pustules go away.

At the end of the lecture, the room was DEAD QUIET!  Myself included.  Up until that point I really didn’t know how to bathe dogs!

Are You A Responsible Dog Owner?

by Ms Dany Canino

According to Webster´s New World Dictionary, Second College Edition, the word responsible is defined as follows: “…involving accountability, obligation, or duties.”

I feel that the definition of being a responsible dog owner can be defined with those same words.

Test yourself to see how you respond to the following questions:


Far too many dog owners over feed their pets. They feed their animals a diet that is way too high in protein for the pet´s activity level. They even continue to feed this high source of protein to their pets that are considered to be senior citizens. When a dog gets to be seven years or older their pancreas slows down in its functional duties, just as their physical activity slows down. Therefore, we need to lower the protein level so that they can completely digest and utilize their food.

Many pet owners have not yet learned to read the dog food labels of the food they feed. Some dog foods that are on the market contain excessive amounts of salt (sodium) and sugar (dextrose or sucrose). Just as these ingredients in excess aren´t good for humans, they also are not good for your dog.

If your dog is overweight there are two things to consider as the cause:

If you´re feeding your dog a proper diet in proper amounts for his activity level, your pet may have a thyroid problem. This is a common malady in dogs and can easily be detected by a simple blood test done by your veterinarian.

If you are guilty of feeding your pet more food than he can actively burn off, all you need to do is simply cut back on the amount you feed. Cut back on the cookie snacks or rawhide bones you give your pet. Your dog will appreciate it in the long run because an overweight dog is just a heart attack waiting to happen.


Pets don´t like to be dirty any more than you do. Getting a bath on a regular basis makes your pet feel good. A bath not only makes them smell good, it prevents them from scratching because of the dirt on their body (possibly causing a “hot spot”). Plus, bathing allows them the luxury of a massage.

It also feels good to your pet to be brushed about twice a week. A coated breed that is not brushed will frequently end up with matts (tangles) in their coat. This cannot only be painful, but in time it can be life threatening. Matts can literally cut off the pet´s circulation. Close-coated breeds also need to be brushed frequently, but you should use a good rubber brush because of their lack of hair.

Nail trimming is very important to the well being of your pet. If your pet doesn´t get his nails trimmed regularly he can end up totally crippled. If you´re afraid to do this duty (once or twice a month) then take your pet to a local groomer. There is usually a very nominal fee for this procedure. Of course the ideal would be to learn how to do it your self.

Teeth cleaning is another simple procedure that any pet owner can learn to do. Dogs can have some of the same teeth and gum problems that afflict humans. Most pet supply stores sell products to help you keep your pet´s teeth and gums in healthy condition.


It´s a known medical fact that these simple medical procedures will add additional years to your pet´s life. Most of the sexual organ cancers that affects dogs can be eradicated if your pet is rendered sterile at an early age (5 months to 1 year).


Dogs are basically pack animals. When we bring them into our homes and lives as family pets, in their eyes we become their pack. To make them stay in the backyard solely makes them feel that the pack has deserted or abandoned them. A dog´s natural instinct is to protect his pack members and their den. If they only know the backyard, then that´s the area they will feel they need to protect. They will be of little or no use for protection of your home. Personally I´ve never understood why people get a dog as a companion and then stick him in the backyard on a permanent basis.


Pet owners that haven´t taken the time to properly train their dogs are oftentimes the same people that get rid of the dog because he becomes a nuisance and unmanageable. They neglect to see that it is their fault that their pet is this way. If they do decide to train they are sure that they need to wait until the dog is over 6 months of age. By doing this they have many more behavior problems to work out than they would have, had they started the pup at 4 months of age.

Obedience training your dog is the most efficient way to rectify any behavior problems and to deter any future behavior problems. Training a dog is also an excellent way to build a lasting bond with your dog.


Besides being illegal to let your pet be off leash when away from your property, it is the fastest way for some moving vehicle to put permanent “tire tracks” on your dog´s body and, sometimes ending his “freedom” permanently.

If you´ve answered Yes to questions 4 and 6 and answered No to questions 1-2-3 and 5, you need to sit down and re-evaluate why you got a dog in the first place. You also need to admit that up to now you haven´t been the most responsible pet owner. It´s not too late to change. You can still become that responsible owner that I know you want to be.

For the most part our pets love us unconditionally. Whether we gain weight, whether we´re in a good or bad mood, whether we´re a little late feeding them, or are too busy from time to time to throw the ball for them. They love us no matter what. Theirs is truly the purest form of devotion. In return, our pets ask very little of us. All they are looking for is our affection and some basic responsibilities on our part that make their life painless and comfortable. When the pet´s owner meets these responsibilities, it shows your pet that you really care.

The Great Colonel Jet

by Natalie Stebbins submitted by Judy Doniere, Toledobes

From Doberman Pinscher News and Views January 1959

Colonel Jet Is Dead – Ch. Dortmund Delly’s Colonel Jet

The Great Colonel Jet.  He was about a year old when I first saw him as he came up from a cellar.  The books say that a great dog should receive proper nourishment from puppyhood on; receive the proper exercise; and be taught to stand and pose and gait.  Colonel Jet had no need for all of this – he was born great.  He knew it – and I knew it too.  He was great the first time that I saw him, and yesterday all that remained of him were his eyes.  AND HE WAS STILL GREAT.  He always had so much heart.  He gave it all.  Yet he was cheated from the day he was born.

After he became a Champion, I saw the Great Colonel Jet again.  I saw him come up out of another cellar.  He was far from being in show condition, but he was still great.  He knew it  — and I knew it.  His owner loved him, but was no longer able to keep him.  In order to be in proper weight for the Garden, Colonel Jet ate a pound of lard a day for two months.  He went to the Garden and he lost, but there wasn’t a person there who didn’t know that he was great.

He was sold there.  And now he began to live in a style.  He became a living room dog.  He ate the finest foods.  He strutted in the show rings.  He became King of the World – won many Best in Shows.  And he WAS great.  He knew it – and I knew it too.  Back to the Garden he went the next year.  He won.  He lay in his stall on a plush blanket and was much admired.  All that year he ruled the show rings, and everyone spoke of how great he was.  It was all very wonderful, he lived like a king.  This was the second year that Colonel Jet lived like a king.

Yes, the Great Colonel Jet lived like a king until he went to the Garden again.  He lost – and those that knew that he was truly great admired him. He WAS great.  He still knew it – and I  still knew it too.  But the world stepped in again … and the next day there was no living room.  He went to live in a kennel – and the Great Colonel jet never lived like a king again. I went with his mistress to see him many times.  He was no longer a king. Some had forgotten him, but each time I saw him come out of his kennel, he was great.  He still knew it – and I still knew it too.  She was able to bring home for a while, but the world would not have it that way.

When he was six years old, he came to live with us, and it seemed that this was somehow meant to be.  His mother had come to live with us when she was older, and once upon a time another dog had lived here.  He died when he was young.  He was the Great Colonel Jet’s younger brother.  To be with us seemed best, for then his mistress would be able to visit him.

When he came here he was great.  He knew it – and I did too.  He was still The Great Colonel Jet.  But he was cheated again – for he had given me his son … and he lived here too … so the great dog, and that he was, with his great heart and capacity for love, could only come into the living room when his son was out.  How he would have loved to have been there twenty-four hours a day.  Each of his owners had loved him, each had wanted to give him the world.  But the world wouldn’t let them.  All the world had to offer him was a part time shift … and he was grateful for that … and still he loved the world.


Natalie Stebbins